Assembly GOP Beg Polling Institutions To Poll Recall Elections

NYS GOPAssembly Republicans today released a letter sent to the state’s major polling institutions – Siena, Marist and Quinnipiac – asking them to survey voters on whether they would support the creation of recall elections, Capital Tonight reports.

“While there has been statewide polling data on using taxpayer dollars to fund campaigns, to our knowledge the question has not been asked of New Yorkers whether they support or oppose recall legislation to give power to the people to remove elected officials,” Lawmakers – Jim Tedisco, Steve McLaughlin, Bill Nojay and Kieran Michael Lalor — write.

The lawmakers, who serve in the minority, acknowledge they don’t have the resources to push a statewide poll of their own on the recall topic. “Since we don’t have the wherewithal to do an independent statewide survey on this topic, we respectfully request that you add a question on recall to your next statewide public opinion poll,” they write.

Recall Letter to Siena Marist Quinnipiac

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