Photo Essay: Dinner For Kollel Sibenbirgen In London (Photos by Dudy Braun – JDN)

019 Rabbi Avigsur Gross Rosh hakoilel Zibenbergen Jerusalem speaking (3)...Rebbi D Halperin signs Neizer nesius hakoidesh A01_4596 A01_4592 020 Reb Zev Feldman greeting Rebbi Shmayo Low Rebbi D Halperin far lef 019 Rabbi Avigsur Gross Rosh hakoilel Zibenbergen Jerusalem speaking (5)... 019 Rabbi Avigsur Gross Rosh hakoilel Zibenbergen Jerusalem speaking (4)...019 Rabbi Avigsur Gross Rosh hakoilel Zibenbergen Jerusalem speaking (2)... 019 Rabbi Avigsur Gross Rosh hakoilel Zibenbergen Jerusalem speaking (1)... 018 Lchayim to Reb Shmayo Low (2) 018 Lchayim to Reb Shmayo Low (1) 017 Satmar Rosh Hakohol Reb O Low 016 Rabbi Shmayo Low speaks (4) 016 Rabbi Shmayo Low speaks (3) 016 Rabbi Shmayo Low speaks (2) 016 Rabbi Shmayo Low speaks (1) 015 Rabbi Shmayoh Low receives the Neizer Nesius hakoidesh 014  The Chairman Reb A Y Landou Speaking 013 Rabbi Shmiel Ludmir greets Rabbi Shmayeh Low 013 Rabbi Menashe Eichenshtein Spaeking 012 Rabbi Menashe Eichenshtein Spaeking 011 Rabbi E D Freedman Speaking 010 Reb A Y Low receives plaque 009 Re A Y Lipshitz receives Plaque 008 The Moooreh D usreh speaking 007 The Moooreh D usreh speaking 006 The Mooreh D Usreh arrrives 005 Reb Elish Englander Arrives 004 Reb Yoseph Uzik Low arrives 003 Peaople giving tzedokeh 002 Chairman Reb A Y Landau Speaking Rabbi E D Freedman Rav of Belz to t... 001   Reb A Y Low lights the Candles 000 Chairman Reb A Y Landau is mkubel Ponim Rabbi Shmayo Low

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