Photo Essay: Sholom Mordchai Rubashkin Visits Yeshivas Belz Antwerp (Photos by JDN)

7 Responses

  1. Sorry, at this point I am starting to agree with other posters who are fed up with Rubashkin’s non stop partying.
    Most of us bust our back every day trying to earn a living, and he has done nothing but globetrot and party all over the world. I get it, you got a bad rap. Boruch Hashem, your sentence was commuted (not pardoned). You partied for a year. How about you just get on with your life. You are not Moshiach nor are you the second coming of the other dude.
    And lastly, if you truly did steal money, you are teaching children a very poor lesson. Happy Chanukah all.

  2. it is so predictable , the minute some positive news about Rubashkin is published on YWN site, to see moronic Rubashking haters like BoysWork rising their ugly heads.

  3. @Moishe: please explain why this is hateful. There is news about Rubashkin partying somewhere just about every single day. Believe me, I was just as happy for him as everyone else, but “es iz shoin genig”. I believe that you had a bit of a freudian slip there: RubashKING… You’d think he really is a king.

  4. BoysWork, you want explanation why i call you hateful towards Rubashkin? It is very simple: Only some one who really hates Rubashkin will call him a money thieve (historic antisemitic libel) . In a typical cowardly manner you and other Rubashkin haters always state how happy you are that Rubashkin was freed. This the same cliche where jew haters claim that some of their best fiends are Jews.

  5. @Moishe, i guess you really don’t know how to read or you do selective reading. Go back and see that what I DID write is: “if you truly did steal money“, I never said that he actually did.

  6. “if you truly did steal money“; yah right. instead of giving a benefit of doubt to a fellow Yied, In your statement your already assume that he did.

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