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PHOTOS: The Rabbinical Alliance Of America/Igud HaRabonim Presents An Educational Workshop For Rabonim On ‘Bridging The Generation Gap In Our Community’ (Photos by JDN)


March 29th the Eve of Rosh Chodesh Nisan more than sixty Rabbis gathered at Khal Ahavas Achim Lvov, where Rabbi Yechiel Malik is the Rabbi to partake in the monthly Seudas Rosh Chodesh and Torah convocation organized by the Rabbinical Alliance of America the Igud Horrabonim.

The host Rabbi Yechiel Malik, a Vice-President of the RAA/IGUD offered inspiring words of Torah and insight. Rabbi Yechiel Malik besides being a Rov and a Mechanech is a highly sought after Life Coach guiding those in the Frum Community who need Chizuk with their marriage, children and personal development. Rabbi Malik is also the Director of the Orthodox Jewish Division of the New York State Chaplains Task force.

Rabbi Zehnwirth besides being the Menahel of the Klausenburg Yeshiva is also a renowned speaker and consultant for Eitzah, a Community Chinuch Hotline.

As part of the RAA/IGUD’s focus on professional Rabbinical development and training, both Rabbi Malik and Rabbi Zehnwirth presented a most informative presentation on the topic of “Bridging the Generation Gap” and how Rabbonim may recognize the problem and the protocols’ to help alleviate this problem in the Frum community.

One of the toughest challenges Rabbonim face today is counseling parents in how to better communicate with their children. The threat of our kids going off the derech is real and Rabbonim need to master the tools of effective communication to combat this problem. This problem is especially exasperated during the Bain Hazmanin period when our children come home from Yeshiva and during this Bain Hazmanim period we see the worst in generational clashing. It is during these vacation periods when time off and tempers causes a flair up of emotions. It is during Bain Hazmanim when Rabbonim must have the solutions to this problem.

Chairman of the evening was Rabbi Hanania Elbaz, Presidium Member of the RAA/IGUD and Rov of the Achai Ezer Congregation, Brooklyn, New York. Rabbi Elbaz presented a wonderful Dvar Halacha on Pesach.


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