Personal Plea From Bill Thompson to NYC Voters

YW-Bill Thompson Flatbush Fundraiser-002.jpgDear Friends in the Jewish Community,

My name is Bill Thompson, and I am running as a Democrat for Mayor of New York City.  September 10th is Primary Day. I am asking for your vote. I know that the primary falls between two very important days on the Jewish calendar, Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur.  This election is also extremely important to the future of our great city.

My family goes back a long way with many of you. For over 30 years, I have been proud to call the Orthodox Jewish community my friends. We grew up together. Fought battles together. Solved problems together. I know there are many more problems we need to tackle. I’m ready to fight with you again – and I know you are too.

I know deep in my heart about the challenges facing the Jewish community. I’ve fought together with you on many of them. As Deputy Borough President, I worked together with you to bring safety and stability back to Crown Heights. As President of the Board of Education, I worked together with you to help Yeshivas find resources – even when it wasn’t popular. I stood with you in the fight to keep the Priority 5 and 7 vouchers. I know the hardships that tuition-paying parents are going through, and I will continue to stand with you to find ways to provide relief to parents needing tuition assistance. I am also proud that, as City Comptroller, I. successfully invested millions of dollars in Israel – building upon the special relationship between New York and Israel.

I understand the deep concerns you feel about keeping our communities safe and ending intolerance. I feel it to. There is nobody who will fight harder to keep our precious families safe. Nobody will stand up stronger to defend religious liberties or work harder to end discrimination for all New Yorkers. Again, I know you and you know me.

A candidate can only run on a record. I’m proud of mine and I’m proud to have worked with so many of you to achieve it.

The Jewish community will always have a friend and ally in Bill Thompson. I’m asking you now to stand with me now – as we have stood together before – and honor me with your vote on Tuesday September 10th.

In the spirit of the High Holy Days, I wish all of my friends a Happy New Year!

Thank you for your support and friendship,


Bill Thompson

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