Letter From Peter Vallone

valloneMy name is Peter F. Vallone Jr., member of the New York City Council and Chair of its Committee on Public Safety. I am writing to let you know that I am running for Queens Borough President, and to ask for your support.

On Primary Day, September 10, 2013, which occurs during a very important time for the Jewish community, between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, Queens residents will have the important responsibility of voting for the individual who shares their values and vision for Queens. You need someone in Borough Hall who has the experience, knowledge and business acumen to lead Queens and protect what matters to our homes, families, businesses, Yeshivas and Synagogues.

As a father, I understand the issues facing our families. I know what it’s like raising children here and the rewarding, yet sometimes difficult, task it can be. I have dedicated my career to keeping our children safe. Whether you send your child to public or private school, all of our children deserve equal protection. I wrote the law that mandated security cameras outside every public school, as well as legislation requiring the police and education departments to provide security measures for non-public schools. I also wrote legislation that would provide a private school tuition tax credit.

I understand the plight of small business owners in our borough. As the only candidate with small business experience, I know the burden the city puts on us with its overregulation and ATM-like treatment of our businesses. As Borough President, I will continue to work to alleviate the stress and unnecessary fines plaguing small business owners.

As a former prosecutor and Chair of the Public Safety Committee for the last 12 years, I am the only candidate with the experience needed to keep Queens safe.  I have worked closely with Commissioner Ray Kelly to reduce crime citywide by 35% percent, making New York the safest big city in the country.

As a beacon of democracy and human rights in the Middle East, my support of Israel has been unwavering. I have visited Israel three times in the last few years – once in my official capacity and twice for vacation. The resolve of the Israeli people in the face of constant terror threats is remarkable. I have been, and will continue to be, a friend to the Jewish community if elected your next Borough President.

Faith is important to me. My father taught me to never leave my faith and values at the door when I entered public service. They will not be checked at the doors of Borough Hall. Most importantly, this campaign is not about me. It is about fighting for and giving voice to the 2.25 million people who call Queens home. Join us and let’s fight to make sure that the borough we love remains a great place to live, work and raise a family.

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