Storobin Safely on Three Ballot Lines, Outpacing Opponents in Fundraising

stroIn the hotly contested race for 48th city council seat in south Brooklyn, former state senator David Storobin is surging, having emerged as the only candidate in a crowded field without a primary, and since entering the race is well outpacing his opponents in raising money.

The New York City Board of Elections confirmed this week that Storobin will appear uncontested on three ballot lines: Republican, Conservative and Independence. And while five Democrats battle in the upcoming September primary, Storobin is focused on the general election and will be the only candidate to appear on the November ballot with multiple party lines.

“Our campaign is now in high gear and we’re focused on victory in November,” said Storobin. “Since our kickoff last month, we’ve received a groundswell of support from people all over the district. My reform message is resonating with voters who want a candidate focused on promoting job growth, fighting crime, securing better education through school choice, and improving services for the people of Brooklyn.”

As proof that Storobin is building momentum, financial statements filed with the New York City Campaign Finance Board show that since entering the race in June Storobin is outpacing all opponents in fundraising.

During the most recent filing period that included contributions received from May 12 to July 11, Storobin raised $45,731. His next closest opponent, Theresa Scavo raised $30,991; Ari Kagan raised $23,110; Igor Oberman raised $11,915; Chaim Deutsch raised $5,045; and Natraj Bhushan raised $2,940.

“We got in this race a little late, so my opponents had a significant advantage in terms of raising money earlier in the year,” explained Storobin. “But now that we’re off the ground, we’ve shown that this campaign can raise the money we need to win the election.”

Storobin’s donations came from individuals and business owners who believe he is the best candidate to ease overburdensome taxes and fees on small businesses and property owners.

As a state senator, Storobin sponsored 42 bills to promote job growth, lower taxes, help small business, and improve education. He has also spent the past decade as a strong community advocate, primarily for the district’s heavily Russian and Jewish populations.

The 48th Council District covers Brighton Beach, Manhattan Beach, Midwood and Sheepshead Bay.

(YWN Desk -NYC)

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