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PHOTO: Faith Leaders Gather To Endorse Eric Adams For Brooklyn Boro President


Dozens of leaders representing Brooklyn’s many diverse faith communities gathered today on the steps of Brooklyn Borough Hall to endorse Sen. Eric Adams’s candidacy for Borough President.

The group included the heads of congregations and organizations large and small, featuring both prominentBrooklyn faith leaders as well as local neighborhood pastors,reverends, imams, rabbis and others.

“Senator Eric Adams has distinguished himself as a leader of all the people,” said Reverend Dr. Cheryl Anthony, Senior Servantof JUDAH International Christian Center and President ofWomen of Faith Advocating for Change. “As a product of this great borough, he has first-hand knowledge of the complexities and challenges our varied cultures, ethnicities and faith traditions face. Senator Adams’s keen insight into solving challenges and creating solutions will go a long way in leading the borough of Kings.

“God bless Brooklyn and God bless our forthcoming Borough President, Eric Adams,” added Rev. Anthony.

“We are united together to endorse and elect the greatest candidate for the greatest people from the greatest borough of Brooklyn, Senator Eric Adams,” said Rabbi Moishe Indig.

“Today we stand with a man we believe represents neutralityand fairness for our diverse ethnic population in the City of Brooklyn,” said Bishop Eric D. Garnes, Presiding Prelate at theUnited Covenant Churches of Christ. “He’s a man of faith and strongly pledges to build fair representation among our communities.”

“Senator Eric Adams is the BEST for BROOKLYN,” saidReverend Ayana Vason, Senior Pastor at Ebenezer Christian Church.

“Senator Adams for many years has been in the forefront of the issues of crime and gun violence in Brooklyn,” said Mt. Zion Church of God Pastor Gil Monrose. “Every time the clergycalled on Senator Eric Adams, he never hesitated to stand with us against the criminal elements. Brooklyn needs Eric Adams.”

“I am honored to be standing here today endorsing Eric Adams as the next Borough President of Brooklyn,” said Reverend Dr.Frank Mason, Senior Pastor of Christ Temple United Baptist Church and President of the Coney Island Ministerial Alliance. “The compassionate support that he showed during and continuously since Superstorm Sandy hit our coastline has been more than remarkable. The physical and emotional assistance that he provided to us during this most difficult time has strengthened us to stand and rebuild. He is a champion of the storm and will be a great leader of this borough.”

“Senator Eric Adams is a great leader with a prophetic voice of change for our borough of Brooklyn,” said Reverend GlenmoreBembry, Senior Pastor of Trinity Baptist Church. “He leads by example and has the heart of the people in his heart.”

“With an impressive background in the police force, he is very aware that the best way to fight crime is preventive medicine—through proper education,” said Rabbi Yehuda Levin, Assistant Rabbi, Chabad Russian community in Brooklyn. “As a state senator, he makes a point to hand out “citations” to students graduating the school system, showing a personal interest in the development of our children. We are confident, he will be able to carry this and achieve so much more in the capacity of a Borough President.”

“I am truly humbled by the strength and support of these wonderful men and women—community and religiousleaders who have dedicated themselves to Brooklyn as well as their faiths,” said Sen. Adams. “It is with help like this that we will win this election and continue the good work of these inspiring people on behalf of all Brooklynites at Borough Hall.”

Adams has gained the support of more than 40 elected officials in his run for Borough President, including current Borough President Marty Markowitz and previous BP Howard Golden.He was recently endorsed by the Working Families Party as well.

Adams has also received the endorsements of 1199 SEIU Healthcare Workers East, the New York Hotel & Motel Trades Council, United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW) Union Local 1500, New York Communities for Change, the New York City Corrections Officers’ Association (COBA) and the Assistant Deputy Wardens/Deputy Wardens Association.

About Eric Adams

Adams has spent the last thirty years serving the people of Brooklyn, the borough where he was raised and continues to live. He’s been a police officer, state legislator and community leader. He’s running for Borough President to build on that experience, and create a stronger Brooklyn.

Throughout his career, he has partnered with labor, business, and government to strengthen the lives of working people and the middle class. He’s been a leader on workers’ rights, economic growth, good government and public safety.

Adams is a former NYC Transit Police Department and NYPD officer, retiring from the force as a captain to become a state senator in 2006. He received his master’s degree in Public Administration from Marist College and is a graduate of New York City Technical College and John Jay College of Criminal Justice. He lives in Prospect Heights, Brooklyn, and was re-elected to a fourth term in the New York State Senate in November 2012.

(Press Release / YWN Desk – NYC)

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