NYC Councilman Levin Announces Completion Of McCarren Park Pathways Refurbishment

levinBrooklyn – Council Member Stephen Levin announced today that the refurbishment of the McCarren Park pathways project is complete. Levin funded the refurbishment of the pathways in order to address what park-goers of North Brooklyn’s most heavily used park felt was its biggest flaw- the terrible condition of its pathways. Accordingly, the fences surrounding the pathways are being removed this afternoon. In addition to the paths being repaved, this refurbishment also includes landscaping of additional green space, 68 switch grass plants planted,

and 39 new, high-quality World’s Fair style benches.

To celebrate the project completion, and to answer questions and concerns from constituents, Council Member Stephen Levin will also be holding a mobile office this Sunday at McCarren Park (at the Bedford Avenue entrance) from noon until 5:00pm.

“For too long, the pathways of McCarren Park were notorious for being potholed, broken, and uneven. They were a hazard to children and seniors, and an eyesore for the rest of the users of the park,” said Council Member Stephen Levin. “Today, I am happy to announce that the pathways are completed and the fences are coming down. The completion of this project comes at a perfect time, as the summer is upon us and the park will begin to see exponential use. Thank you to the Parks Department, Open Space Alliance, and Friends of McCarren Park for their work in completing this project.”

“Parks is thrilled to reopen the pathways in McCarren Park, just in time for the summer season,” said Brooklyn Parks Commissioner Kevin Jeffrey. “We are thankful for Council Member Levin’s support of this integral project.”

Christine Murray, of Friends of McCarren Park, said, “The long neglected pathways of McCarren have gotten a much needed facelift. I think it is one of few changes in North Brooklyn that everyone – hipster or old school – can wholeheartedly embrace. A big thanks to Councilman Levin for allocating the funds to Parks and ensuring we got the most bang for our tax dollars.”

(YWN Desk – NYC)

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