Brooklyn: Cymbrowitz Community Health Fair Set for June 9th in Sheepshead Bay

healthFree screenings, giveaways and health-related information galore will be available at the 10th Annual Lena Cymbrowitz Community Health Fair on Sunday, June 9th, from 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., on Emmons Avenue between East 15th Street and Ocean Avenue.

Assemblyman Steven Cymbrowitz (D-Brooklyn) sponsors the fair in conjunction with Maimonides Medical Center, Beth Israel Brooklyn and Kiwanis International. Thousands of neighborhood residents attend the popular and much-anticipated event.

While grown-ups are exploring dozens of tables with stay-healthy tips, nutrition and exercise advice and potentially lifesaving information, children can explore a functioning ambulance and fire truck. Entertainment will include Zippy the Clown, balloon sculptures, the Atlantis Bouncer and continuous music with DJ Victory Entertainment.

In case of rain, the fair will be held at Bay Academy, 1401 Emmons Avenue.

(YWN Desk – NYC)

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