Silver Appoints Weprin As Chairman of Subcomittee On Banking in Underserved Communities

weprinAssemblyman David I. Weprin announced today that he has been appointed by Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver to serve as the Chairman of the New York State Assembly Subcommittee on Banking in Underserved Communities.

The New York State Assembly Subcommittee on Banking in Underserved Communities oversees the implementation and administration of programs as well as legislation within the banking industry that supports the economic development in underserved communities.

“I am both privileged and honored to be appointed the Chairman of New York State Assembly Subcommittee on Banking in Underserved Communities,” said Assemblyman Weprin. “As the newly appointed Chairman, I look forward to working together with my fellow committee members and lawmakers to address the statewide financial challenges by developing effective solutions that will economically empower our communities.”

Mr. Weprin served as Deputy Superintendent of Banks for New York State and Secretary to the Banking Board from 1983 to 1987. He also served as Chairman of the New York City Council Finance Committee from 2002 through 2009.

Assemblyman Weprin also serves as a Member of the Committee on Banks, Committee on Cities, Committee on Codes, Committee on Election Law, Committee on Insurance, Committee on Judiciary and the Puerto Rican Hispanic Task Force.

(YWN Desk – NYC)

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