NYC: Nat’l Labor Relations Board Gets Recommendation On School Bus Strike

NY1 is reporting that the National Labor Relations Board’s Brooklyn office has finished its review of the bus companies’ case on the city’s yellow school bus strike and made a recommendation to its office in Washington.

Bus company owners lodged a complaint with the board last week, questioning the legality of the strike.

Bus drivers and matrons belonging to Amalgamated Transit Union Local 1181 have been on strike since January 16 to make sure that the city’s new busing contracts include job protections for senior-level drivers.

City Hall and Department of Education officials claim that those provisions are illegal and have so far refused to negotiate with the union.

If the board rules in favor of the city, they then have to go to court and seek an injunction to force the drivers and matrons back to work, ending the strike.

A decision could come early next week, but the internal recommendation will not be made public.


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