After 26 years on the force Detective Peter Margrath, who spent the majority of his career as a detective in the 71st Precinct, took his retirement with many his colleagues attending his ‘last walkout’.
Det. Margrath was sworn into the New York Police Department in January of 1986 and began his career as a police officer in East New York’s 75th Precinct, from there he transferred to the Brooklyn North Task Force, then to the narcotics unit.
In 1992 he was promoted to detective in the narcotics unit and in 1997 he made his move into the 71st Precincts detective squad, where he would remain until his retirement.
In 2002 Det. Margrath was promoted to detective 2nd grade and in 2006 to detective 1st grade,
Thanks to the outstanding work of Det. Margrath has lead to the apprehension and arrest of many criminals and his work made the streets of Crown Heights and New York City a much safer place.
His most notable case was the unfortunate and senseless murder of Russel Timoshenko and the shooting of his partner Herman Yan, both officers in the 71st Precinct. The work of Det. Margrath lead to the swift arrest of the three suspects and subsequent conviction for the homicide and weapons related charges.
Timoshenko and Yan came under fire during a routine traffic stop on Lefferts and Bedford Avenues.
(Source: CHI)