PHOTOS: 200 Yartzheit Of Baal HaTanya Held In Mayan Yisroel In Flatbush


Sunday marked 200 years since the passing of Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi. He is known as the Alter Rebbe, and the Baal HaTanya (The author of the Tanya).

Mayan Yisroel, and Rabbi Y. Vigler invited well-known lecturer, and Rabbi, Rabbi DovBer Pinson of The IYYUN Institute to come speak, and farbreng with the members of The Flatbush community who daven at Mayan Yisroel (Ave. N and E. 34th St)

The night started off with Rabbi Y. Vigler introducing Rabbi Pinson to the attending members of this event, and throughout the night, Rabbi Pinson shared many stories about The Alter Rebbe, and other rebbeim. He also explained many deep elements and concepts of Chassidus to the large Mayan Yisroel crowd that attended this farbrengen.

At around 10:30PM, The approximate time of the Alter Rebbe’s passing, the crowd started a seder of The Alter Rebbe’s well known niggunim which shook up the room, and created such an atmosphere that cannot be described. One of them are the Arba Bavos, which can only be sung on special occasions such as this one.

The night was a commemoration of The Baal HaTanya’s work, and what he has done to affect us to this day.

Rabbi Vigler has the Lessons in Tanya books on the tables that every day he learns together with the congregation, and continues to do so. Many people attend his shiurim on chassidus on a daily basis.

YWN PHOTO LINK: Click HERE for photos by Alex Gorokhov (

(Avromi Gorokhov – YWN)

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