Nadler Denounces GOP Move to Block Vote for Sandy Funding

Today, Congressman Jerrold Nadler (D-NY), representative of Brooklyn and Lower Manhattan communities hit hard by Hurricane Sandy, condemned the House GOP Leadership’s decision to cancel a vote on $60 billion in Sandy relief that has already cleared the Senate. He issued the following statement:

“Shame on Speaker Boehner for choosing not to act on Sandy relief for the Northeast. This is a betrayal of the millions of Americans who are struggling after Sandy and a trivialization of the loss of more than 100 American lives. Not taking up the $60 billion Sandy funding bill will mean that many Americans could remain homeless, the rebuilding of homes and businesses across the Northeast will be delayed, and the coastal infrastructure of the region will remain damaged and vulnerable to the next storm. The MTA, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and other agencies cannot execute major repairs to broken facilities without funding certainty.

“The simple fact is that millions of people in the Northeast are hurting badly and relying on this funding to recover, rebuild, and move forward. I am appalled – and mystified – by a total collapse of leadership on the part of Speaker Boehner.”

Jerrold Nadler has served in Congress since 1992. He represents New York’s 8th Congressional District, which includes parts of Manhattan and Brooklyn.

(YWN Desk – NYC)

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