Storm Watch Declared With Severe Weather Predicted Shabbos

weatherOrange and Rockland Utilities has declared a Storm Watch in anticipation of significant thunderstorms hitting the region Saturday afternoon.

A cold front is predicted to cross the area on Saturday, breaking the heat wave but also bringing strong thunderstorm activity. Those storms could be severe with strong winds, heavy downpours and frequent lightning. The activity is expected to begin around 2 p.m.

O&R emergency response operations coordinators have been examining weather forecasts and preparing their organizations for activation.

Increased company electric operations staffing levels are being put in place for the weekend along with 39 contractor crews and 15 O&R contractor tree-trimming crews in the event the storm causes damage.

The good news is that by Sunday, the region could enjoy several days of low humidity and temps not getting above the mid 80s.

(Source: MidHudsonNews)

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