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Homeless Man Convicted Of Assaulting Security Guard At Rockland Kosher Supermaarket

rizzoRockland County District Attorney Thomas P. Zugibe has announced that Paul Rizzo was convicted of assaulting the security guard at a Kosher supermarket.

He was convicted after a jury trial of: ƒone count of Assault in the Second Degree, a class “D” Violent Felony, and one count of Criminal Possession of a Weapon in the Third Degree, a class “D” Felony relating to an assault on a supermarket security guard.

On August 10, 2012, at approximately 1:47 p.m., Rizzo used a baseball bat to attack the security officer at the Rockland Kosher Supermarket on Orchard Street in Monsey. The victim suffered injuries to his left arm during the violent assault.

The defendant is facing a maximum of 3 ½ to seven years in state prison when sentenced on September 30, 2013.

Rizzo is a career criminal with three prior felony convictions.

(YWN Monsey Newsroom)

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