Newspaper Says Rampo ‘Fibbing’ Over Police Expenses At Jewish Events

ramapoThe following is from the Rockland Times:

Following the FBI raid on town hall in early May, Ramapo police made the unusual move of publicly announcing the overtime costs of an anti-Internet event held by persons within the Hasidic and Orthodox community at the ballpark in Pomona the following week. Police said over $7,500 in overtime costs were charged to the event’s organizers Congregation Khal Torath Chaim, of Monsey. The organizers paid only $5,700 for actual use of the stadium, considerably less than the police costs.

This led the Rockland County Times to make a logical request: a list of other recent events which cost the police overtime and whether they were paid for by private organizers or absorbed by the town. The request was denied as the town said they did not have such a list or information available. However, according to sources within the police department, such a list does exist and the town is not being forthcoming.

Earlier in 2013, the wedding of a grand rebbe’s daughter at RCC cost over $10,000 in Sheriff’s overtime. Many other events cost police overtime, but the public has no means of learning whether private organizers or taxpayers pay the costs if the government will not reply to FOIL requests on the matter.

The local police departments should make, follow and advertise a clear policy on when they will charge a private group for police overtime fees and apply it evenhandedly. The current situation is unfair to all taxpayers and unfair to those who are randomly charged for overtime when others are not.

(Source: Rockland Times)

One Response

  1. It would seem possible that these types of events bring in financial advantages for the township that offset the expenses. Whenever money is involved, you need to look at all expenses and all income.

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