Progressive Candidate For Rockland CE Demands Investigation of Vandergate

vandSuffern mayor Dagan Lacorte, the Progressive Democrat for Rockland County Executive, called today for the County Legislature to investigate Vandergate, the partisan power grab uncovered by The Journal News in which outgoing County Executive Scott Vanderhoef is installing political cronies in key positions so they stay on the public payroll after he leaves office in December.

“The silence from the county legislature on the Vandergate scandal is alarming,” Lacorte said, “It is reprehensible for Scott Vanderhoef to sneak his cronies into taxpayer funded golden parachutes so they remain on the dime after his time. Rockland’s next county Executive needs to bring in a new team after years of deficits and tax hikes.”

“Legislators must disclose whether they had discussions with the Vanderhoef Administration about this scheme and take immediate steps to block it.”

“Vandergate is another reminder why Rockland taxpayers need an independent executive from outside the broken county government to lead us into the future”

(Source: Press Release)

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