Dear YWN,

I have never before written a letter to any news publication, but after just reading an article by Haaretz, my blood started boiling like a pressure cooker at the exploding point.

Many times YWN covers stories of Charedim protesting all over Eretz Yisroel for all types of reasons (Shmiras Shabbos, Kevarim, “Pride Parades” etc). I am not the violent type, and don’t think that the hafganah approach to things is the correct way to go –until now.

The following article I have pasted below is an outright bizayon of the Bais Hamikdash itself! Where is Klal Yisroel?! There should be 500,000 people at the Kosel Plaza TODAY protesting this utter disgust! WHAT A CHILLUL HASHEM! Where are the Kol Kores?! Where is the Eidah Charedis? Where is the Kosel Rav Rabbi Shmuel Rabinowitz?! Where are all the Frum MK’s?! Did we forget that this is a remnant of the Bais Hamikdash where we were Makriv Karbanos?!


When I reach 120 they will ask what I did to try and stop this, and I will be proud to say that I wrote this letter and signed my name.

Baruch Sussman.

HAARETZ ARTICLE: Most people go to the Western Wall to pray, but now some will also head there to pay.

The cabinet has approved a plan that would allow for sponsorship messages to be beamed onto the Western Wall, sources in the Prime Minister’s Office told Haaretz Monday.

According to the plan, any company will be able to project the image, logo or slogan of its choice on the ancient stones, for a price.

The proposal, drawn up by MK Mordechai Hidud, will take advantage of technology being developed by Kfar Sava-based start-up Kotelad. The company – the brainchild of U.S.-born Joe King – has come up with an innovative laser projector capable of beaming high-quality images onto walls, domes, minarets and steeples.

“After thousands of years of just being there, the Western Wall will finally be able to fulfill its commercial potential,” King said. “The religious and spiritual center of the Jewish people should reflect Jewish heritage – and thus be dedicated to bringing in a healthy profit.”

Kotelad held a trial run of the system last week, beaming the Coca-Cola logo onto the Wall, much to the bemusement of worshipers gathered below. And it seems that the trial was not only a technological success, with local vendors reporting a 14 percent increase in the sale of soft drinks.

The Western Wall Heritage Center plans to open an ad sales division, and sell wall space on a per-stone basis. Prices are expected to be upward of NIS 1,000 per stone per day. When no advertising is running, the wall will have the message “What are you waiting for? The Third Temple? Advertise now!” a source in the Heritage Center said.

Some companies that have already expressed an interest in the project, including Bank Discount (“Feel like you’re talking to a brick wall? Talk to us instead”), Netvision (“If God didn’t get your note, why not send an e-mail?”) and Ytong (“If it’s not Ytong, I’m not praying”). G. Yafit is reportedly also in talks to have her likeness beamed onto the wall 24 hours a day.

According to Hidud, the money raised will be used to replace the paper skullcaps that are stolen by the thousands by visitors to Judaism’s holiest site, to set up a searchable online database of the notes that people place between the stones of the Wall, and to build a 14-foot high partition between sections reserved for men and women.

(LINK to Haaretz article:

26 Responses

  1. Dear Boruch Sussman,

    Please find something better to occupy your time with.

    Also, stay away from Haaretz…..hamayvin yavin..

  2. calm down!! it was a joke!!! look at the AUTHORS NAME!
    I agree, it was a bit tasteless, but lots of things that go on in the month of adar ‘in the spirit of purim’ are far more disgusting and tasteless than this stupid article, in a newspaper most frum jews dont even read! like the drunken men on purim acting like disgusting fools, vomiting and making a mockery and disgrace out of the jewish nation. worry abou THAT purim problem before you worry about a silly article in a newspaper you dont even read.

  3. I am a satmer chasid and my rebbe said that his people should not go to the kosel till moshi’ach comes, so who cares.

  4. “shachris brought to you by red bull, it gives you wings!”

    when mashiach comes, they’ll have an ad that says “karbonos taste great with coke!” and it will have a picture of the cohein gadol drinking a coca cola and smiling.

  5. Moshe Emes VeToruso Emes, See the Dees Torah re the Kosel of the Satmar Ruv in his holy Syfer Al Hagileh Val Hatmireh.

  6. YWN is 6 hours behind its biggest competitor (The ___ Network that was so roundly condemned on this forum several months ago) on this one. They also posted this story earlier today but quickly realized that it was a Purim spoof by Haaretz. Judging by the fact that the majority of the YWN readers who posted comments took it at face value, I would say that it wasn’t too bad!

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