MAILBAG: Writer Slams YWN Over Comments Regarding Rabbi Riskin

mailThe following is a letter submitted to YWN on Friday morning. It should be noted that the writer gave YWN permission to publish the article only if it meant something and would elicit change. YWN responded that “hopefully it will elicit change.”

I have very rarely taken the time out to write about something I saw online, but today I simply can’t stay quiet.

I am deeply concerned that you have veered from providing balanced news to now promoting a certain agenda. I have been overlooking it the last few months but today’s article on Giur with the alternate bais din really went above and beyond. While I don’t know Rabbi Riskin, nor do I say that I would agree with their new bais din, I find it inappropriate that after the article was placed you felt the necessity to add a written excerpt followed by a video of Rabbi Risking discussing Judaism and Christianity roots. Why was this needed? What does one have to do with the other? Additionally, how come we don’t see a note which was WRITTEN IN BOLD like this every time we read an article about other Rabbanim throughout the world. This was really uncalled for, and on surface value seems to be an effort to demean a Rabbi whom whether you or I agree with or not, is still a Rabbi and the Rabbi of an entire community of Jewish people whom are Jewish according to all Batei Dinim.

I think it would be more appropriate to not publish the article at all than to possibly slander Rabbanim.

During an eis tzarah like we live in today you should ONLY be promoting stories of achdus and teshuva.

Eli Eisenberger.


YWN notes that Chief Rabbi of Efrat Rabbi Shlomo Riskin has previously referred to “J” as a “model Rabbi”, and called him “Rabbi J”. [VIDEO IS BELOW]

Some excerpts of the 5 minute video:

Shalom to all. My name is Shlomo Riskin. I am the Chief rabbi of the City of Efrat…..I am an Orthodox Rabbi…and an Orthodox Rabbi who is very profoundly interested in religion in general, in Christianity, and especially in the persona of Jesus in particular….I was truly fascinated by the personality of Jesus, whom to myself I have always referred to as “Rabbi Jesus”….because I think he is indeed a “model Rabbi” in many counts…and he lived the life of a Jewish Rabbi in Israel in a very critical time in our history…..I have constantly come back to the study of his personality and his teachings which are very strongly rooted in Talmudic teachings…..”

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

11 Responses

  1. How can anyone entertain the thought that this guy is a rabbi. It’s clear to everyone that he’s an apikorus who’s kofer be’iker.

  2. Totally disagree with this letter writer. Riskin is an affirmed apikorus for decades and the fact that he even gets mentioned on ywn is a problem. At least when they mention him they give us some of his history. This rabbi j thing is benign compared to some of the hair raising attitudes this guy has.

  3. A few points .

    “Under the auspices ” is unimportant as the AV beis din was Rabbi Riskin ,or at least a member.YWN is pointing out a Halachic question as to the validity of such a conversion,as the beis din must believe in the truth of the Torah.However 1- This should have been stated clearly.2-Rabbi Riskin always tries to include everyone and tries to be politically correct. While this puts me off I don’t see how this should disqualify him. Nor does it show any lessening in the beis din making sure that the candidates are shomrei Torah.

  4. Well, the connection is quite obvious! – How can a guy like this be part of a Beis Din for conversions???

    You sound like a well meaning fellow, so will take some more time. Look, you’re feeling is right that at an Eis Tarah we should strive for unity, and not enough is done to bury petty differences among us that cause senseless division. However, this does not mean that we unite with gentiles or with those who want to unite with them in an ideological level.

    Take as analogy the Palestinian struggle. The world is telling us that we must unite and “make peace” with the Palestinians. We must “do more” to arrive at the two state solution. But how can we do it when they simply don’t want us to be who we are? – –

  5. Shouldn’t your doctor have the proper credentials? The right schools, the best record of performance. Shouldn’t the Rav who heads a bais din also be properly vetted? Rabbi Riskin’s “appreciation” of Yoshka is an outrage and should disqualify him.

  6. Dear Eli Eisenberger –

    You wrote,

    “While I don’t know Rabbi Riskin, nor do I say that I would agree with their new bais din, I find it inappropriate that after the article was placed you felt the necessity to add a written excerpt followed by a video of Rabbi Risking discussing Judaism and Christianity roots. Why was this needed?”

    You first statement is the answer to your question. You read an article about a problematic issue concerning Guirus, but from the article itself it is unclear what the problem is. Nine people that were having problems converting in one Beis Din decided to turn to another Beis Din for help. It happens every day, so why is this case news worthy? What’s the big deal?

    What makes this case different is that at least one “Rav” on that Beis Din is of very questionable status. Without a kosher Beis Din the status of the Geirus becomes questionable at best. This is not healthy for Klal Yisrael, nor those gerim as well. They and their descendants will forever remain in question until the sufek is removed.

    But how on Earth are you going to know that there is a problem with this Rav if you’ve never read his writings, nor been shown examples of his shameful ways and hashgafas?

    That is what YWN is trying to accomplish with the video. This man may have the title “Rabbi”, but he is no more to be respected than a Rabbi that molests people. If a Rabbi molests people it doesn’t matter to me who gave him smicha! He is instantly discredited until he does Teshuvah. So too here. This “Rabbi” has time and time again shown himself to be lacking credibility as a kosher Rav. Once that fact is establish then you can start to understand the ramifications of this irresponsible Beis Din.

    It is not within the scope of this website to present a thorough explanation of who “Rabbi” Riskin is and ALL the problematic issues concerning him. Instead, they present one glimpse into who this sad excuse for a Rabbi is and leave it to you to do the rest of the research if you like. Years ago I did and after reading up on a lot of his treif hashgafas I clearly have no respect for the man.

  7. Agree with letter writer.

    Most of YWN readers are not advising or planning to recommend potential converts to this Beis Din or to make Rav Riskin their Morah Derech, so what is the point of the article & the video!?

  8. Excuse us Mr letter Writer….Achdus that is required is only among shomrei torah etc. Thosr who are meisis umadiach es hrabim whether a yochid or tzibbur is beferish ‘kesher reshouim toaivah’

    Doesn’t the gemmorah say in arvei psochim lo sireh chamor sonacha ….mitzvah lisnoso? Even for 1 aveireh

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