YWN MAILBAG: Why I Don’t Get My Jewish Music For Free

ywnlnDear Jewish music fans everywhere:

I love good Jewish music. Whether its Shwekey, or 8th day, or my favorite singer Lipa Schmeltzer, it matters not who, when a new cd comes out, I’m on it.

Now cds cost money.Thirteen dollars is not a whole terrible lot of money. True. But still, when you multiply that by all the new cds coming out, well, that money really does add up.

I’m very far from being well off financially.

Like everybody else in todays world, I’ve got a lot of bills to pay, and I’m trying to make ends meet. Of course I’m actually extremely lucky to even have a job. As I know all too well, way too many people in todays tough economy are stuck jobless.

All this being said you would think that when my good generous friend offers to do me the kindness of loading up my ipod with all of Jewish music’s latest and greatest, for free, I’d be more than happy to oblige.

I mean hey its free! What could be better than good free music? Right?


This free music that I’m enjoying so intensely now, is actually, believe it or not, coming to me at an expense.

The expense of someone else out there.

This guy, will call him Mr. Singer has been sweating away for over 2 and a half years now in a tiny hot cramped studio. He’s been pushing himself to his limits over and over again for hours on end, day in and day out.

Why does he do all this?

He’s got a family. He’s got weddings to be at, and events and dinners to sing at.

So why does he work so hard and spend so much time and energy shvitzing away in the studio for days on end?

In order to answer this, I want you to think about what the frum world would look like if there was god forbid no good Jewish music.

Where would we go to when we need something to calm our jittery nerves after a long stressful day in the office?
What would so many of us be listening to with out this awesome kosher music?

Yes, this music is for all of us. For the Rebbe, the Rosh yeshiva, the bochur, the working guy, the mother of twelve.

This is why he is working so hard.

So you and me can have something to listen to when we’re down.
So you and me can have something kosher to listen to when we’re feeling uninspired and bored.
So you and me can lift ourselves up higher in our Avodas Hashem through the power of a Niggun.

Yes, that’s why.

So that struggling yeshiva bochur who is tempted to listen to some good non Jewish music, to destress after a long hard day, now has something good and kosher to listen to instead.

That’s why.

The long hours of sweat and strenuous effort this lone singer has been spending every day in the studio is for you and me.

This man through his untiring efforts to bring something good and original to us, has now inspired thousands of people, who perhaps felt dry in their Yidishkeit and needed this lift so badly.

This man through his tear jerking and emotional English ballad just expressed the feeling that seminary girl was struggling for so long to put into words and deal with.

These are just some of the people who Mr. Singer has touched, inspired, and very often actually saved through his music.

He is the hero who despite the fact that he’s saving lives, will often get criticized and labeled as a egocentric celebrity, or goyish singer wannabe, or whatever else some misguided extremist is in the mood of throwing out there.

Yet he takes it all in stride. Because he realizes that Jewish music is necessary, and part and parcel of our spiritual growth as a nation.

These kosher outlets, and fun songs, are uniting people who are at odds with each other, and bringing a bit of joy to the broken and depressed.

These singers are shelling out fifty thousand dollars or a hundred thousand dollars, whatever the amount, it doesn’t matter, on producers, and composers, and arrangers, and studio time just so we could have good kosher wholesome fun and uplifting music.

This is why I go out and buy these singers albums with my hard earned money. This is why I shell out cash for the latest Lipa Schmeltzer album.

Sure, I could get it all for free and save a whole lot of my hard earned money.

But tell me, do you think this would be right of me?

This singer has given thousands of precious hours of his time, and thousands of dollars of his hard earned money, to uplift and possibly save the future of klal yisroel, and I can’t shell out a few dollars to support him?

So I say to you, my dear generous friend, “I really do appreciate your kind offer to load up my ipod for free. But, I want you to know, that I owe somebody out there a big Yasher Koach. And a few dollars is the least I can do to show my appreciation for saving my kids, and for saving our future.”

And as for you, my dear friend, I ask you one thing. The next time your kind and generous companion, offers to load up your ipod with 8th Day’s latest, for free, think of this article.


Dave Sharper

NOTE: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of YWN.


(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

23 Responses

  1. Lipa Schmeltzer-
    Savior of the Jews
    What a laugh! An ousvorfe is your messiah. Nice going.
    (you had me until you started with the “misguided extremist” stuff)

  2. Did anyone at YWN check to see whether the author of this piece is working for the Jewish division of the music industry?

    And just for the record (pun intended, even if it shows my age), that awful noise that is called “Jewish music” is neither good music nor good Judaism.

  3. I would never copy music that I might have otherwise bought. I ONLY copy music that I would NOT have purchased anyways. My posek paskened that this is the only time it is halachicly permissible to copy. Any other situation runs into Hasagas Gvul, which the posek said is the ONLY issue with copying — and therefore doesn’t apply if you would not have bought it.

    I follow MY posek. If your posek holds otherwise follow him. And I will continue following my posek who paskened as above.

  4. Very well said.

    To nfgo3 – You do’t have to like the music, but a person of your age and experience surely should have learned by now to be considerate of the feelings of those who do enjoy ‘that awful noise’.

  5. As per Halacha you have to ask your local orthodox rabbi if you are allowed.
    But let just get one thing straight, I highly doubt that the musician is relying on the sale of CDs to make up his Parnossah when they most probably only get a few dollars per sale of each CD (if that much). Most singers that put out cd gain from them in one important thing, that next time someone makes a simcha they are more likely to hire a person that they have listened to and likes than to hire a person that they have never listened to. So in actuality me giving out music to a person is more beneficial for that singer if that person would either way never buy that cd.

  6. This editorial forgot to mention the most important detail.

    Violation of these copyrights constitute a serious transgression of Halachah!

    Not to mention “Dinah D’machisa”…

  7. welcome to the new generation of jewish music

    Today, jewish music has taken a turn for the worse R”L. Singers today are singing & rocking the tunes of pure goiyesh music & just changing the words to Hebrew pesukim etc…

    this goiyesh rocking & jazz “taam” is destroying our childrens yiddishkeit & making them worse as they get more into it R”L

    What will jewish music be like in 10 years? I couldn’t imagine how bad (in frumkeit with a jewish “taam)& don’t want to even think about it or support it.

    Good luck to you for depending on music to make you happy. but theres many other healthy frum things you can do to make you happy in life & in all situations.
    just to give you 1 example: look around you & see the beautiful world Hashem has created, look at each product (from trees to cars & technology etc…) & see the amazing work it does, then your thanks to Hashem will be endless & you will be so happy & grateful to Hashem for giving us this amazing world with so much unlimited stuff ALL FREE

  8. Thanks every one for feedback! I do appreciate it.

    yitzchokM Hi, Im sorry if I wasn’t clear in my point. All I am saying is I like Lipas music. I find it very original & the messages very meaningful. I don’t anywhere intend to say anyone is a messiah. My point is that these hard working dedicated singers are bringing much needed joy and inspiration to sick and down and klalYisroel in general. They are providing us with healthy kosher outlets and entertainment. This is a very big thing. The gemara speaks of the big zechus of the 2 comedians.

    As far my statement about extremists belittling and making fun of singers. I am referring to people I see sometimes who vilify and insult these singers calling them diffrent names. This disturbs me greatly. Here a singer goes and works hard to bring joy to others and some body goes and says ba things loshon hora about him? I not talking about if a Rabbi says certain music is not appropriate. I am talking about outright hatred insults and charachter assasination this is not helping anyone. It is misguided. There are other ways to criticize. Just look at Rav Pam or any other Gadol. They will never resort to personal remarks and charachter assasination. This is not the way of thr Torah. If you want to criticize fine. But do itvin a refined way without atacking someone.

    But this is not my main point. My main point is that copying is harming and is shoeing a lack of hakaros hatov to these wonderful individuals. I hope Im being a bit clearer here.

    nfgo3: Nope. I don’t work in the mudic indudtry. I have no financial gain whatsoever from this. I write this because it bothrrs me that singers who do so much for us should suffer such a loss because we want to save some money. That is all. As for not being music.That is your opinion. That is fine. But I personally (and I speak for many others as well) am very inspired and uplifted by this music. In fact I spoke to a lady who became frum from Mbd singing Rachem on his Kumtzitz album. She heard it playing. Pulled over to thr side of the road and burst out in tears. She was so overcome with emotion that she decided to become religious then and there. This is just one story. There are countless others. Anyways I hope you understand where I’m coming from a bit better now.
    sincerely Dave

  9. I hear what you are saying and many of your points are valid. However, let the truth be known that with the exception of a few, many so called Jewish artists out there today are using the notes and music of the most profane goyishe artists. You know that is true. Very little creativity on the Jewish music scene today. Having said that,your sob story about Jewish artists shvitzing in a studio elicits no compassion from me.

  10. Dave, What a sob story you tell!!

    HOWEVER — typically in the music business, its the record label that is getting the vast majority of the profits…

    The entertainer, the poor shvitzing singer, would actually do BETTER if he gave away his music for FREE or even made it available on Youtube or Vimeo to build up a fan base, drive interest and where he could make some real money in PERFORMANCES (weddings, concerts, etc.)– not in selling the CD!!

    (this may be different in the jewish music industry, but unless the singer is using his own label, its unlikely they are taking home much of the profit)

    I don’t want to assume that you didn’t know this, so I’ll assume that you are a shill for a label

  11. Thanks for responding to most of the commens dave. The only one you (conveniently) did not respond to was reb meshige’s comment about using your real name.

  12. Most music singers are really outstanding gomlei chasadim (note all the times they sing for the sick, for free).
    However putting out a CD is all promotion for personal business!
    Where are you getting your facts from?

  13. Not really adressing the main issue of the article, I must say thet most of the so called jewish music has the same rocky beat as the goyish music. Adding jewish words does not make a song Jewish!

  14. I know the frum community tends to be a little behind the rest of the velt but most kids don’t even know what CDs are anymore. Its 2014!

  15. Hi. Thanks every one! I’m glad to get some good discussion going on here.

    Some people are saying that the singer is not making any money from a cd. Now, it is true that most of the profits goes to the producers, distributors, etc. But I think that regardless of how much the singer might actually make, its still only right of us to show our support by helping in some small to pay him back.

    Yes, I am aware, that the cd is a buiseness card and his parnassah is being earned by singing at weddings
    But this misses my point.
    My point is one thing HAKAROS HATOV.
    By going out and buying the cd we are sending the message to the singer that we appreciate what you are doing. This gives the singer a big chizuk to continue making his music.

    As for the distributors and the others in the indusyry msking money, this is also very important in order that we have any new music altogether!

    With out the producers and distributors theres no cds and no new music!
    As for halachah. I did not intend to get into a halachick discussion. I know that I’ve heard people say different opinions both ways. But my point is that just from a basic showing appreciation point of view we should be shoeing our support to these people who work do hard to inspire people.

    And its not just buying cds. Its also just saying thank you when we have an oppurtunity. Go onto their twitter or email and thank them! or you can even sit down and pen them a letter of thanks. It doesn’t matter how, point is show hakaros hatov.

    Many are saying that these singers music don’t have the right Jewish sound. Well, this is one of the oldest topics of debate and discussion which there are manny different chushiveh people saying different opinions. I’ve heard lots of different viewpoints as to how we go about defining what it is that makes music Jewish. I was not intending to get involved in that in my article. But one thing I can say for sure. Everybody needs a good healthy outlet to relax and have some joy.
    And I do personally derive a lot of chizuk from a lot of the music out there. Of course, not everyone will. But I do. Any many countless others like me do. Again thank you evety one for having a great positive and meaningful discussion here! May we all be zocheh very soon to sing together in unity with everyone from all stripes of life as one nation with the Leviyim in the bais hamikdash bimheira viyameinu!
    Sincerely, Dave

  16. Once again, you continue to ignore question about your real name. This article is ridiculous. The singers make their money from the concerts and weddings and only make CDs in order to get their name out. Just as newspapers don’t cover their expenses from the dollar you pay for the paper, rather they get it from the advertising. The singers only gain when more people have their music, whether they pay for it or not. If they are so sincere in all this and want to inspire more people, stop ripping people off charging $16.00 for a CD which costs pennies to burn. I know there are many other expenses to making an album… back to the concerts and weddings argument. The CD is an investment and advertisement.

  17. Full disclosure, I DO work in the industry. I want to first of all say I have corrospndonded with Dave many times, I will tell you for a fact he does not work in the industry and does not get paid by anyone in the industry. Dave is thankfully part of the very small percent of people who still purchase and support Jewish music.

    Second, to those who say their rav paskened that they can copy if they were never going to buy it anyway I have a few comments on that.

    A) I am a little curious as to the exact information you gave your rav in order to get that maskana, and I also would love to speak to your rav directly so I can explain to him some of the inside ball of the industry. I wonder if I would give him additional information about how it effects all peoples parnassahs in the industry, not just the singer, as well as some of the points I’m goign to make now, if he would give you a different answer.

    B) If you were never gonna buy it anyway, why do you even need to copy it in the first place. If I wasnt hungry anyway, and didn’t plan on stopping by the fruit store can I then take an apple without paying? I wasn’t in the mood of an apple to begin with. I’d add, that if you werent gonna enjoy it so you didn’t want to buy it, then why must you even copy it to begin with? Which leads me to C …

    C) My biggest problem with this is I’d like to know how you can defintitvly state that you would never buy it anyway. Many times when people listen to Jewish music they make a snap judgement about it one way or the other and then change their mind after they get into it more. Since you did decide to go ahead and copy it, I assume for the purpose of listening, what then happens if a month later you decide you now love it. Even though you decided originally you woudlnt like it and would “never” buy it. Would your rav then also agree you have an achrias to purchase it?

    I don’t see how there is any way to completly rule out what you would buy or not buy. If we are talking about not buying it for the sake of enjoyment. If we are talking about financially you can’t afford it so therefore you know you’d never buy that cd then I dont see anyway your rav would agree that you can take it anyway. Again, back to the apple. I took this apple without paying because I don’t have the money an therefore would never have bought it anyway. Um, I didn’t see that footnote next to Lo signov.

    Finally, lets just briefly discuss this concept that music is not a physical thing. That is incorrect. My friends and I in the business, NOT SINGERS, spend PHYSICAL money, PHYSICAL time, PHYSICAL gas to get to studios, help create the music or buy equipment needed to record among many other reasons a person would be busy in the industry. It’s as physical as the education you pay Yeshivas to teach your children the difference between good and bad. Right and wrong. Good middos and bad middos. Mitzvos and Aveiros. Do you have to pay your yeshivas when all the mechanchim are doing is speaking words in class? Words, like music aren’t things you cna hold in your hand, right?

    The composers, producers, arrangers, engineers, studios, duplicators, stores, advertisers, choirs, we all went into this profession to do the same thing you do. Provide for our families. We pay bills like everyone.

    If you dont like Jewish music. Fine. Don’t buy it. But don’t take it either. Your opinions are free, and you are entitled to them. But please stealing is stealing. Don’t try to justify it.

  18. Thank you for your feedback. I appreciate.
    My name is not important here and beside the point of this article. I like to use a pen name for various reasons as do many others who write books and articles.

    Back to the point of my article.
    What I am trying to say is that we need to be showing appreciation and support that is all. This is how I show my support. And this how we all should show support.
    Every penny I can give back to the singer for his expense is part of this hakaras hatov and support.

    As for the price. The price is to bring some measure of profit to all of the others involved. Simple.
    If we copy all the cds instead of buying then the entire industry goes down. And all this new music will cease to exist.

    I for one refuse to sit by and see this happen. This is why I will support and continue urging others to support the entire music industry. Klal yisroel needs this music now more than ever.

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