YWN MAILBAG: An Open Letter To My Orthodox Jewish Friends In The Congressional 9th District

Dear Friends,

Please stop sending me your opinion about why you think David Weprin should get my vote. While you may think strapping your name, along with the names of some other popular fellows in the neighborhood can sway a vote, you are all arrogantly wrong. I am not beholden to someone who represents themselves as an Orthodox Jew while at the same time votes against the most important of votes, that being the Torah.

I for one do not like to be patronized by “community leaders” who apparently think that we are either uninformed or stupid. I don’t need you to tout the fact that Weprin handed out bullet proof vests in Israel, or the fact that he is an evil “Tea Party Extremist”. Do you know why I don’t need you to offer me your unsolicited advice? Because I am an intelligent individual who can actually read and understand the issues for himself. On top of that, you aren’t even trying to be objective, in fact, much of the literature you send are half truths at best and outright deception at worst.

I’ll even do Mr. Weprin a solid in this letter, I would like all readers to go to Mr. Weprins website (http://weprinforcongress.com). There you will see exactly who Mr. Weprin associated with:
·        Every tax and spend Democrat you can think of.
·        UFT and NYSUT – Both vehemently against tuition relief for yeshiva families (it’s bad enough that these unions lobby for massive amounts for education while continually failing at their mission).
·        Sierra Club – The people who continue to insist we keep buying our oil from our current list of friends…Saudi Arabia, Libya, Iran, etc. No reason to drill in the United States and become end our energy dependence on foreign oil.
·        Stonewall Democratic Club of New York City and The Lesbian and Gay Democratic Club of Queens – Speaks for itself.

The way I see it, Mr. Weprin is running on his record as a friend of Israel. It looks like he will be in good company. According to an article in US News and World Report over 350 U.S. House members and Senators attended the pro-Israel lobby’s annual gala. So again why exactly does this make Mr. Weprin unique? His opponent will be just as useful as he in the area of Israeli interests.

The most laughable part of all the literature I get is criticizing his opponent for being a “Tea Party Extremist”. Below are the goals of the “Tea Party Extremists”:
Identify constitutionality of every new law
Reject emissions trading
Demand a balanced federal budget
Simplify the tax system
Audit federal government agencies for waste and constitutionality
Limit annual growth in federal spending
Repeal the healthcare legislation passed on March 23, 2010
Pass an ‘All-of-the-Above’ Energy Policy
Reduce Earmarks
Reduce Taxes

If that makes him a “Tea Party Extremist” then serve me up a big ol’ cup of tea.
N.M. – Fed up in Marine Park

NOTE: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of YWN.


13 Responses

  1. “Because I am an intelligent individual who can actually read and understand the issues for himself.”

    Nice letter. Good points. Unfortunately, you may be the 1% who can “actually read and understand the issues for himself.”

    The other 99% are either busy making lots of money, busy trying to make ends meet so that they can feed their families, are fed up with the political system or are just too stupid and lazy to care!

  2. Wow couldn’t bring it out better!! Tomorrow ill be voting with all my friends for turner please everyone come out ant join we need every vote!!!

  3. I have thought very much about this and I agree but we must be consistent. To be true and honest though, the same principles must apply to all issues. No more (hidden) agendas or money driven politics for me. I (as I am sure others) can no longer in good conscience support anyone JUST because they are Jewish. Be it a politician, someone (wrongly) incarcerated or a Rav whose motives are apparently self-serving. We will need to judge with convincing and logical accurate proof that their actions are in 100% accordance with Yiddishkeit and Torah. If they can’t they should be “Weprinized”. In fact, a politician is the least harmful (or helpful) in the group. I have lived through 10 presidents so far. They have zero impact on my day to day life. The others do. Please tell me if there is a flaw in my interpretation. I hope YWN lets this come to light.

  4. Wait so the author of the letter thinks that people trying to convince him to vote for Weprin are arrogant, and then in the same breath tries to convince readers that his opinion on why you should vote for the other guy is right?

    I think my head just exploded. I have no dog in the race since I’m not a NYer, but that’s a bit of chutzpah, no?

  5. The National Democratic Party is unleashing all the money they can find to put out (deceptive) ads for Weprin – because they know that electing Turner is a major smack in the face to Obama.

    I think that says it all.

  6. David Weprin was the Chairman of the Finance Committee of the New York City Council for 8 years. During his tenure as the finance chair, David was more supportive of the Jewish population than any other elected official in New York State and was able to provide Millions of dollars in funding to a plethora of Jewish organizations – many of which are backing his opponent in this race.

    With respect to Israel, although David is now a State elected and was a City elected prior to becoming an Assemblyman, there is no other elected official with the exception of Dov Hikind who has been as big a supporter of Israel as David. He has sponsored and passed numerous resolutions in the City Council and State Senate supporting Israel and demonstrating when he thought that Israel was being treated unfairly.

    The two main criticisms on David Weprin are his vote for Gay Marriage and his support of the placement of the mosque in downtown Manhattan.

    Lets tackle both of these issues.

    Gay Marriage – David Weprin voted for Gay Marriage in the Assembly but the assembly has voted for Gay Marriage and PASSED gay marriage 3 times prior to this vote. The Assembly always votes for gay marriage in a heavy majority. The reason why gay marriage passed was because of the State Senate passing it. I can go through the internal political logistics on the phone or in person but David had no choice but to vote yes on this and it passed by over 70 votes and would have passed with or without David Weprin’s vote.

    Placement of the Mosque – This is a simple issue. The Mosque had all proper clearance to be built near ground zero. If the JCCMP had a property that it was allowed to build a community center on and didn’t need a variance to do so, a large part of Marine Park residents would be very opposed to this but if the JCCMP had legal clearance to build it, I would imagine that they would build it. Its the same thing with the Mosque. They had a right to build it there, though they ended up not building it there. Did most people want the mosque to be built there ? No. Were the Allowed to build it there and did they have a legal right to do so ? Yes, they did. And that is exactly what David Weprin said.

    I’ll leave you with a couple of tidbits on your candidate of choice – Bob Turner:

    Bob Turner lives in Breezy Point, NY. Breezy Point now has about 10,000 residents. Its a gated community in Queens and to live there, a person needs to be sponsored by 3 families who live there. Therefore, there are NO Observant Jews and NO minorities who live in Breezy Point. It is unofficially known as the most racist neighborhood in New York City. That is where Bob Turner lives.

    Bob Turner was the creator and principal funder of the Jerry Springer show. In case you are not familiar with this program, here is a link where you can learn more about it: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jerry_Springer_Show . The Jerry Springer show regularly addressed “important” topics such as: such adultery, zoophilia, divorce, homophobia, incest, infidelity, pedophilia, pornography, prostitution, racism, strange fetishes, dwarfism, or transvestism. There was an episode that caused much controversy and was not aired on TV stations across the country entitled “I married a horse”. It is very curious that there is a backlash against David Weprin for casting a meaningless vote for Gay Marriage but its OK to create a show regarding bestiality.

    As an aside, Bob Turner fully supports Civil Unions which is virtually identical to Gar Marriage.


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