Leftists Outraged by Chasunah Song Slamming Heretical Government and Yeshiva Recruitment

*MELTDOWN:* The leftists are fuming over the massive Chasunah last night of the son of HaRav Shalom Ber Sorotzkin. One of the songs sang was “ובשלטון הכופרים אין אנו מאמינים” [we don’t believe in the heretical government] but with a twist in the words “ובלשכותיהם אין אנו מתייצבים” [we won’t be recruited to their offices] – a reference to the current efforts to recruit bnei yeshivos – ending with “בדרך התורה נלך באש ובמים.”

One Response

  1. “Leftists”?! It’s the right-wing religious (but non-charedi) community that is even more enraged with the charedi approach, since it’s the right-wing religious who know that you CAN combine Torah with army service, and who make immense sacrifices in doing so (due to the manpower shortage in the IDF).

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