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HISTORIC: Knesset Holds First-Ever Chanukah Hadlakah in Plenum

HISTORIC: For the first time in the history of the Jewish state, the members of the Knesset and ministers carried out the Chanukah hadlakah in the plenum. Knesset sessions always end early on Chanukah to allow politicians to go home and light with their families but due to the critical bill that passed with only one vote earlier in the evening in a huge drama, the Knesset session was extended for the first time.

One Response

  1. So the greeks have the last laugh after all
    True to form, YWN fawns over Hellenist Sodomist “Marriage” perpetrator Amir Ohana torching a Menorah in the Knesset?

    Yesveksia World News: “HISTORIC: Knesset Holds First-Ever Chanukah Hadlakah in Plenum” (by Sodomatrimony Perp Speaker Amir Ohana) –

    More on the Knesset’s Hellenistic Sodomist Chanukah-Arsonist Amir Ohana שר”×™?

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