Noam, Hy’d and Yishai, H’yd Slotki, the grandsons of Rav Eitzan Eisman, a leading Dati Leumi Rav, both fell in a heroic battle with Hamas terrorists on October 7. Noam,
Chinese companies have taken the step of excluding the name “Israel” from their online maps, as confirmed by Fox News. Popular mapping platforms such as Baidu and Alibaba have adjusted
A group of entrepreneurs working with dozens of volunteers have launched a website documenting the timeline of the October 7/Simchas Torah massacre by Hamas terrorists in southern Israel. The website
Hamas terrorists recently provided a tour of their underground tunnel labyrinth in the Gaza Strip, showcasing the difficult obstacle Israeli troops must overcome to root the terrorist group from the
Margalit Magidish, the mother of Ori, the IDF soldier who was rescued from captivity in Gaza by Israeli security forces overnight Sunday made a short statement to the press on
The current phenomenon that began in Berlin, the former capital of the Third Reich, has now spread to Paris, with at least 78 blue Magen Dovid symbols recently sprayed onto
Build The World: Exclusive Release for HeartStrings Event With HeartStrings just days away, the anticipation is reaching its peak. A kumzing event for women and girls that benefits Bridges, hundreds
URGENT VERIFIED FUND TO HELP FAMILIES IN ISRAEL. CLICK HERE. HaRav Zev Leff will PERSONALLY distribute the money raised to help families in urgent need. Please donate generously – CLICK
FBI Director Christopher Wray testified before the Senate Homeland Security Committee on Tuesday, where he said the atrocities committed by Hamas against Israel may inspire attacks against America. “The reality
Bolivia has decided to sever its diplomatic relations with Israel, citing “crimes against humanity,” according to a report from Reuters. This decision comes in the midst of Israel’s ongoing conflict
Do you want to protect the soldiers of the IDF? Do you want everyone to return to their homes in peace after the victory over Hamas? Along with the physical
The Senate has confirmed Jacob Lew as ambassador to Israel, filling the key diplomatic post as the country is fighting a war with Hamas. Lew, a treasury secretary under President
Carrying objects and pushing a stroller or wheelchair on Shabbos are abilities many frum Jews take for granted. While the community values the conveniences afforded by eruvin, the complex halachos
Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin and Secretary of State Antony Blinken made the case Tuesday that the United States should immediately send aid to Israel and Ukraine, testifying at a Senate
Rabbi Naaran Ashchar was critically injured in the tank accident on Israel’s northern border earlier this week, which killed Yinon Fleischman, z’l, 31, of Jerusalem, and injured two others. Rabbi
Are you familiar with the frustration of not being able to remember the Gemara that you just learned a few days ago? Not even being able to recall in which
The Israel Defense Forces have announced that ground troops have successfully gained control of a Hamas “military stronghold” situated in Jabaliya, located in the northern region of the Gaza Strip.
Wages and benefits grew at a slightly faster pace in the July-September quarter than the previous three months, a benefit for workers but a trend that also represents a risk
At a contentious Senate hearing on Tuesday, protestors repeatedly interrupted Secretary of State Antony Blinken, demanding a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip. Of course, the protestors only want the IDF
In 1648, Margaret Jones, a midwife, became the first person in Massachusetts — the second in New England — to be executed for witchcraft, decades before the infamous Salem witch
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