CRC Kashrus Alerts 12/10

By Rabbi Sholem Fishbane
Kashrus Administrator of the Chicago Rabbinical Council

7-Eleven is introducing a new sugar free Slurpee flavor called Peach Dragonfruit.
Please be aware that this flavor is dairy – cholov stam. There is also a new flavor called
Mountain Ded White Out which is actually Sour Lime. All Mountain Dew flavors are kosher and pareve at this time. Please visit for a complete listing.

A list of all Ferrara Pan candies that are kosher, even without the United Mehadrin logo on the label, is posted on the cRc website on the bottom of the Alert & news page:

Miller’s Chill Lime Beer is now certified kosher by the OU and has been added to the cRc approved liquor list
EMILY’S EDIBLES COOKIES AND PASTRIES bear an unauthorized Star-D. These products are not Star-D kosher certified.  Corrective action is being taken
Please be advised that the following brand of canned tuna bears an unauthorized RCC logo: SHILANEH -product of Iran


Please be advised that as of today, Real New York Bagels, Inc, Real New York “KosherDepot” Bialys- frozen are no longer certified by OK Kosher Certification. Product prepared before December 9, 2010, bearing the OK symbol is still certified.

Please be advised that Bell Bagel (Brooklyn, NY) is no longer certified by OK Kosher Certification due to kashrus violations. Product prepared before December 9, 2010, bearing the OK symbol is still certified.

The following Pringles products, Procter & Gamble-Food Division – Ohio, contains dairy ingredients as listed on the ingredient panel but the dairy designation has been inadvertently omitted: Brazil – Sabor Creme e Cebola , Sabor Queijo, South America – Xtreme Queso Picante / Kicking Cheddar, Pringles Delight Sabor Crema y Cebolla / Sour Cream and Onions / Sabor Creme e Cebola. Packaging is being revised.

WEIGHT WATCHERS FRUITIES and CAPPUCCINO CREAM MELTS and other candies manufactured in Italy bear an unauthorized Star-K. Corrective action is being taken.
The Vaad of St. Louis logo inadvertently appears on a variety of Ready Pac prewashed salads such as the Santa Barbara and Spring Mix. This was printed in error as these products are not certified by the OV due to concerns of insect infestation. Triple washed iceberg and coleslaw varieties continue to be acceptable.

Certain packages of Del Monte cut fruit containing a yogurt dip mistakenly bear a cRc. Although the fruit is kosher, the yogurt is not. The product is being removed from circulation.
The 70 piece bag and 195 piece bags of Laffy Taffy and SweetTarts bearing the OU on the package are correctly certified by the OU. Other SweetTart products not bearing the OU are not certified as kosher. Check each bag for the hechsher

Biermann Chocolate Marzipan Rum Balls, Multiflex Co., Inc. is correctly marked as OU. The ingredient panel incorrectly lists dairy ingredients. Future packaging is being revised.

Please be advised that OK Kosher Certification is no longer certifying Divine Bakery, 1999 McDonald Ave, Brooklyn reports that they are continuing to be certified by the Vaad of Flatbush.

King Soopers Pumpkin Loaf is mistakenly marked Scroll K D.E. This product is certified Scroll K Dairy since it contains milk solids. However, King Soopers in-store bakeries has some of the Private Selection Fruit Pies that are incorrectly being marked Scroll K PY DE. These pies are Dairy as listed in the ingredients list on the package. They are also not certified as Pas Yisroel.

Please be advised that Kosher Emporium, Plainview, NY is no longer certified by the Vaad Harabonim of Queens.

Just Bagels Asiago Cheese Bagels mistakenly bears an unauthorized OU symbol and is not kosher. The product is being withdrawn from the marketplace.

Effectively immediately please be advised that the Vaad Hakashrus of Flatbush has removed its hechsher from Kings Highway Glatt 497 Kings Highway Brooklyn, NY due to kashrus violations. Any use of the Vaad’s name or symbol is unauthorized. reports that they are continuing to be certified as kosher by Kehillah Kashrus.

The following kashrus advisory is from the OU: This is an advisory with respect to Brunswick® and Beach Cliff® brand sardines. We have received a number of consumer contacts noting the presence of “shrimp” in these sardines. We have discussed this with the manufacturer who has informed us that this is actually krill, a small shrimp-like crustacean, which is a common source of feed for sardines. Krill is normally digested prior to processing and should not be found in a finished product, even one which contains the stomach. This year, many factors (e.g., size of fish, warmer water temperatures, methods of fishing, etc.) combined to create a very unusual fishing year and an increase in sardines containing krill in their stomachs. The manufacturer emphatically confirms this issue is not one of quality, species substitution or adulteration of any sort: rather an unexpected and previously unforeseen occurrence, which now requires our attention.
In response to the issues faced this year and concerns voiced by the OU, the manufacturer is implementing new fish inspection processes to ensure that future productions of Brunswick® sardines do not contain whole krill. Also, the OU label will be removed from the Beach Cliff® brand so that fish that may contain whole krill can continue to be utilized and sold to consumers without dietary restrictions.
The manufacturer is offering coupons for replacement product to consumers who purchased Brunswick® or Beach Cliff® sardines containing krill with the following Best By dates: Brunswick® Oil Products with Best By codes between June 2015 and November 2015, Brunswick® Water and Sauce Packs with Best By codes between June 2013 and November 2013, Beach Cliff® Products with any Best By code starting June 2013 and thereafter that bears an OU code on the label. To receive your coupons, simply send your name, address and description of product to Brunswick Refund, P.O. Box 23220, San Diego, CA 92193. We would ask that you consider donating any existing product to canned food drives serving families without dietary restrictions.

WELLNESS PRO, Encino,CA, is no longer Star-K or Star-D certified. Wellness Pro produces nutritional shakes and supplements including Balanced Nutrition-Meal Replacement for Men and for Women and Block ‘n Burn. These products are no longer Star-K or Star-D certified.

The Star-K and Melaleuca Inc. are committed to upholding high Kosher standards. We are, therefore, notifying the public that a non-Kosher ingredient was used in Melaleuca’s Fiberwise and Sustain drink products that bear the Star-D symbol. The amount of non-Kosher in the product is less than 1% and is therefore batel b’shishim (i.e. it is considered nullified as it is less than 1 part non-Kosher to 60 parts Kosher) and may be consumed. All future products will be made with a Kosher version of this ingredient. For a list of products and lot numbers are affected by this alert please contact the Star-k or

James Farm & Newland Broccoli, Cauliflower & Spinach, RD Enterprises, College Point – NY & Zhejiang Zhongda Newland Co.- Zhejiang, China bear an OU but cannot be guaranteed to be free of infestation. These products may be used if inspected or puréed prior to use. The OU is being removed from future packaging

Please be advised that the EDIBLE ARRANGEMENTS store located at 62 West 38th St, New York, NY, is claiming to be under Star-K certification. This store is not under Star-K certification. Any use of the Star-K or Star-D by this store is unauthorized.

Pick ‘n Pay brand Brown Onion Soup is certified as kosher pareve even without the Johannesburg Beth Din logo.

Pyott’s Cream Crackers bear only a Johannesburg Beth Din logo without any further designation. This product is dairy

Please be advised that M Slavin & Sons Ltd is no longer certified by OK Kosher Certification. Product produced before November 16, 2010, bearing the Ok stamp and signature was produced under OK certification.

OK Kosher Certification is certifying the following Costco bakeries in Massachusetts as kosher dairy: 71 Second Ave- Waltham, MA, 400 Commercial Circle – Dedham, MA. The breads are not certified.

Please be advised that ARORA CREATIONS (Venice, CA) Indian Spice Packets bear an unauthorized OK symbol on the label. These products are not certified by OK Kosher Certification. Corrective measures are being taken

The following canned items produced by La Squisita bear an unauthorized Star-K; White Kidney Beans, Red Kidney Beans, Chick Peas.

Egg Beaters Cheese & Chive Liquid Egg Product produced by Conagra Foods, Inc. is no longer being produced as Kosher. The item will no longer bear an OK-D symbol on the package. Items seen in the store with an OK-D can still be used.

GUANGDONG PRB Bio- Tech Co., China: Some Pearl River Bridge brand Oyster Flavored Sauce may mistakenly have an OU. This error was caught early on and the OU was removed from the label. Consumers spotting this product with an OU should please call the OU.

Lundberg Family Farms Cinnamon Toast Organic Rice Cakes contains dairy ingredients as listed on the ingredient panel but the dairy designation has been inadvertently omitted. Packaging has been revised.

A limited number of Kettle Foods NEW YORK CHEDDAR POTATO CHIPS 9 OZ PACKAGING was mistakenly labeled Kof-K PARVE. The product contains dairy ingredients and is certified as Kof-K DAIRY. Best before dates of mislabeled products are:20FEB11, 21FEB11, 26FEB11, 09MAR11. 21MAR11, 22MAR11, 02APR11, 03APR11, 09APR11, 10APR11 Corrective action is being taken

All Compliments brand Chocolates, Candies, and Nuts which bear a COR 345 “sticker” are not kosher certified. These products, found at Sobeys, should not be used even when bearing the COR 345 “sticker”. Corrective measures are being taken.  Important to Note: This Alert applies only to products which have “stickers”. If the COR 345 is imprinted on the label, the item is kosher approved.

A list of recalled candies can be found at

The Atlanta Kashruth Commission reminds everyone that Now and Later candies are not kosher. There was a Now and Later Product that was kosher when bearing an OU. This product was discontinued in 2005. At present all Now and Laters come from a non-kosher facility out of the country.

Atlanta Cheescake Company, Panarama, was under reliable supervision. The supervision was discontinued about three months ago. The Atlanta Kashruth Commission no longer recommends using the product, even with a “K” or a “KVH” on the box. The product was often sold at Sam’s Club.

Woolworths Hot Cross Buns bear an erroneous Johannesburg Beth Din logo. This product is not kosher. The company apologizes for the error and is taking corrective measures.

Knorr Creamy Blue Cheese Salad Dressing bears an erroneous Johannesburg Beth Din logo. This product is not kosher. The company apologizes for the error and they are taking corrective measures.

Currently, KSA certifies the non-flavored Via Coffee. The KSA appears on the packets. Starbucks flavored Via coffee is not certified as kosher, at this time.

You can still find mislabelled versions of Dorset Cereals Berries & Cherries Bars and Dorset Cereals Fruits, Nuts & Seeds Bars, which bear the ‘KLBD’ instead of ‘KLBD D’ logo. Despite the omission of the ‘D’, they are Dairy and include ‘unsalted butter’ in the ingredient declaration.

Kashrus Updates from Israel:
Marvalous Omega 3 is being sold in the frum communities of the US and in Israel. The company claims that the oil is from plants. However the gelatin capsule is made from regular gelatin. Regular gelatin is not accepted as kosher by the major American kashrus agencies and the Israeli Mehadrin ones, other that when used in capsules which are prescribed as medication by a doctor and that this product is considered medication according to Halacha. Companies claiming all-natural or organic does not mean that a product is kosher.

The Eida Chareidit released a kashrus alert pertaining to certain Teperberg wines, including the Silver collection, which are from Shmitah year and only have a hechsher from the Rabbinate, not the badatz agency. The bottles and the labels are identical to those with a badatz hechsher and one may not realize that all the bottles do not have the same hechsher. The label will however state “from shmitah year”.

Yoshon Update from R’ Yoseph Herman: Cheerios products sold in Israel under the General Mills/Nestle label have “Best if used by” date (referred here as the “code”) that is 372 days after packing. Wheat products in the ingredients may be Chodosh starting with at packing date of Aug 9, code Aug 16, 2011. For those cereals that contain oats but no wheat the oats may be Chodosh staring a packing date of Oct 15, code Oct 22 11. (Note that several Cheerios cereals, and other General Mills cereals such as Reeses Puffs, do not list wheat in the ingredients. However they have a statement after ingredients list that warns that the cereal may contain wheat products.

Rabbi Yechiel Spira from Jerusalem Kosher News remind residents and visitors alike that the meat restaurant Shwarma Bar, located at 7 Tifferet Yisrael Street in Jerusalem’s Old City does not have an authorized hechsher. Seeing Orthodox appearing people eating is not a replacement for a valid teudat kashrut, and I remind you that Rabbi Nebenzhal Shlita of the Old City has warned the tzibur against eating in such stores.

To receive email kashrus alerts, send your name and email address to: [email protected]  

The cRc is proud to introduce the cRc Kosher APP now available FREE OF CHARGE on all  iPhones, iPods and  iPads! Droid and Blackberry are not available at this time.

Alerts are compiled from , kashrus agencies’ websites; Kashrus magazine; Kosher Information Bureau; Jerusalem Kosher News  – [email protected], Shatnez Laboratory; and from the Guide to Chodosh (Rabbi Yoseph Herman).

One Response

  1. 1- Nothing beats….New York Bagels!

    Kosher New York Bagels are in a league of its own when it comes to consumption.
    Many other cities try to imitate the taste but just can’t get close.
    People who aren’t from NYC or haven’t been here may not be able to understand or relate. But there are people that have tried to replicate the style in places like Denver and
    They are re sellers of A&S bagels which are certified Kosher.
    Authenticate Fresh NY Bagels shipped overnight and they are amazing.

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