Star-K: Tu B’Shvat Fruit Eater Beware

Please note the following regarding all Star-K insect checking instructions: When applicable, guidelines apply to produce grown and purchased in the United States. Checking procedures in other countries may be different.

Carob: Break open in several places to check for infestation. If it is infested, white stringy webbing will be visible on the inside. Holes on the outside may also indicate infestation.

Dates: American grown do not require inspection.

For the more stringent, slice the date lengthwise and open. If webbing or seedy material is present, the dates should be discarded.

Figs: It is recommended that one open and do a visual inspection on a few out of the container (even if they have a hechsher). If they have no insects, one can assume the rest do not.

Nuts & Raisins: Do not require checking unless there is some reason to suspect infestation such as improper or prolonged storage or movement is noticed.

If one insect is found, remove it. If two insects are found, a cursory check of the entire container or bag is recommended. If three insects are found the entire container or bag must be carefully checked.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

2 Responses

  1. “For the more stringent, slice the date lengthwise and open. If webbing or seedy material is present, the dates should be discarded.” I don’t get it. If there is a problem, then why shouldn’t EVERYBODY slice the date and inspect? Are there 2 sets of Halochos, 1 for ordinary peopole (who have no problem being oiver on 5 Laavim), and 1 for the “stringent”?

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