CRC Kashrus Alerts December 23, 2011

By Rabbi Sholem Fishbane

Kashrus Administrator of the Chicago Rabbinical Council

Kashrus Updates

Please be advised that the following flavors of Snapple 11.5 cans made by Dr. Pepper Snapple Group, St. Louis, MO are now made on dairy equipment and are labeled OK-DE: Diet Lemon Tea, Green Apple Juice, Kiwi Strawberry, Lemon Tea, Mango Madness, Orange Mango, Peach Tea, Raspberry Tea. Please note that any Snapple cans of these flavors still on the market with labels bearing the OK symbol (not marked DE) were produced on pareve equipment.

Beginning January 1, 2012 the United Center will be offering a glatt kosher food cart serving hot dogs, sausages, pretzels and bottled beverages at Bulls and Blackhawks games. The cart will be located on the Main Concourse outside Section 114 and will be under the strict supervision of the Chicago Rabbinical Council.

Please be advised that the following products distributed by NUTTY NATURALS (Brooklyn, NY) have mistakenly been labeled with the OK-D symbol and are being recalled: Choco Almond, Choco Peanut, Choco Pretzel, Choco Raisin. These products are not certified by OK KOSHER CERTIFICATION

Please be advised that MOJOMILK Chocolate Milk Mix distributed by Mojomilk (Sandy, Utah) bears an unauthorized OK symbol on the label. This product is not certified by the OK.

Please be advised that Lolibar, LoliCrunch and Real Fruit manufactured by Snack Healthy, Inc., Juniper, FL bears an unauthorized OK symbol on the label. These products are not certified by Kosher Certification.  

Please note that Starbucks has a hot chocolate mix with a Kof K – D that has marshmallows in it and there is gelatin listed in the ingredients. The product is indeed certified kosher dairy by the Kof K and they use a kosher gelatin. 

The latest Slurpee flavor is Sprite Snowball Blas which is kosher/pareve. It can be found on the cRc website at

Effective immediately 5 Spoke Creamery, Port Chester, NY is no longer under Kof-K Kosher Certification.

Please be advised that OK Kosher Certification has revoked certification of Green Olive Restaurant, 300 E. 45th St, NY, NY due to kashrus reports that they are now certified as kosher by Badatz Beis Yosef of Queens.

President’s Choice Bannock Topped Pie sold in Canada has an OV but is not certified by the Vaad Hoeir of St. Louis (OV).

Effective after closing on Monday, December 12, 2011, the Kosher Subway in Baltimore will no longer be Kosher. The facility is being sold and will become a Non-Kosher Subway store. They will remove the “Kosher Subway – Star-K” sign above the store and place signs on each door stating, “This location is NO LONGER kosher”. This change does NOT affect the Subway in the Rockville, MD, Jewish Community Center.

A small amount of Quaker Instant Oatmeal Weight Control Instant Oatmeal, Cinnamon flavor and Banana Bread flavor, Quaker Foods & Snacks – Chicago IL were mistakenly labeled with an OU Symbol without the “D”. These products are dairy and corrective measures were implemented.

Please be advised that PANTRY BROWN GRAVY Savory Mix distributed by Rite Aid mistakenly bears the OK symbol. This product is not certified by the OK. The product is being relabeled without a kosher symbol

The Star-K has informed the public that Samuel Adams “Chocolate Bock” beer is kosher, dairy, cholov stam.

Please be advised that WOODPECKER Crème Brulee Mix (a product of Cibo Vita – Saddle Brook, NJ) mistakenly bears the plain OK pareve symbol This product is actually dairy and should be labeled OK-D.

Please be advised that 365 brand Sesame Sticks and Sesame Trail Mix contain dairy (Not Cholov Yisroel) ingredients but the dairy designation has been inadvertently omitted. These products have been sold at Whole Foods Markets. Consumers finding this product are asked to contact BC Kosher.

Beech Nut Whole Wheat Pasta Parmesan bears an OU-D symbol. This product is not certified by the OU

Please be aware that Waiora Natural Cellular Defense is not authorized to bear the AKC (Atlanta Kosher)kosher logo and is not under AKC kosher certification.

The Central Rabbinical Congress has removed their supervision from the Dairy Café and Restaurant, 4 West 47th Street, New York, NY.

Please be advised that HOWIE’S KOSHER Dark Chocolate Almonds distributed by Fairway Markets (New York) mistakenly bears the OK pareve symbol. This product is actually dairy and should be labeled OK-D.  

The Vaad of Detroit has informed the public (and has been confirmed by the OU) that GATORADE “FIERCE GRAPE” THIRST QUENCHER liquid drink now in stores is Kosher even if the label does not bear the OU. Newer labels do bear the OU. Please note that Gatorade Prime Pre-Game Fuel drink, Gatorade Recovery Post-Game beverage, and Gatorade powders are not certified

Barilla Montanara, Barilla America, Inc., Bannockburn, IL, has been reformulated and will now once again bear an OU. Only the product bearing the OU symbol should be used.

White Toque Authentic French Blinis bear an unauthorized OU, are not certified by the Orthodox Union and contain dairy ingredients. It was sold in Costco stores in California. The product is being withdrawn from the marketplace.

Large bottle of Heinz Pure Apple Cider Vinegar has a COR. The small bottle doesn’t because it’s made on a line with non kosher wine vinegar.

FINE LINE SELECT brand Grade A IQF Chopped Spinach, bears an unauthorized Star-K symbol. This product is not certified by Star-K. Corrective measures are being taken.

BBQ KING barbecue peanuts, manufactured by XDB Foods, Co. Ltd., China, and distributed in Israel by Elron Trade Y.R. Ltd., bears an unauthorized Star-K. This product is not certified by Star-K.

The OK is no longer certifying HAMSA RESTAURANT, Tenafly, NJ. It is now certified by the Chabad of Tenafly.

Please be advised that effective immediately, Nasicha Restaurant, located at 98-92 Queens Blvd, Rego Park, NY is no longer under the supervision of the Vaad Harabonim of Queens.

Candy Jackpot/Kidsmania Bubble Gum (in plastic slot machine), Kidsmania/Candy Novelties El Monte CA; This bubble gum machine bears an unauthorized OU sticker, stating Concord Confection distributed by Quality Frozen Foods. This product is not a Concord Confection product and is not certified by the Orthodox Union.

Country Road Bulgarian Sheep Milk Feta Cheese, Gourmet Food Imports, Lafayette CA is cheese is not certified by the Orthodox Union and bears an unauthorized OU. Corrective actions are being implemented.

The following “grab and go” fruit / vegetable and cheese packs from 7 Eleven under the ‘Fresh to Go’ brand contain non-kosher cheese and were mistakenly labeled with a cRc: Apple Red, Green w/Cheese, Carrot, Celery w/Cheese,Red Grapes w/Cheese. Corrective measures are being taken.

Dadds Continental Bakery, Lodi, NJ is no longer under Kof-K Kosher Certification

Please be advised that VAN DIERMAN MASTERBAKERS (The Netherlands) Is advertising their baked goods as being certified by OK Kosher Certification. OK Kosher Certification does not certify any Van Dierman Masterbakers products.

Please be advised that Mr. Garden Norwegian Style and Scotish Style Lox Haven Smoked Salmon Distributed by VI Trading Group Inc. (Highland Mills, NY) bears an unauthorized OK symbol on the label.

Please be advised that Mountain Spring Smoke House Gold Standard Smoked Atlantic Salmon Distributed by New Spring International Inc. (Jacksonville, FL) bears an unauthorized OK symbol on the label.

Pic N Pay – Avenue M in Brooklyn NY: Pic N Pay repacked and sold chickens, placing the OU on the repackaged product. The Orthodox Union did not certify Pic N Pay and such use of the OU was unauthorized. Pic N Pay has stopped using the OU on repackaged chicken.

Bean & Body Canned Coffee Drinks: Some of the cans are labeled with a regular OU, instead of an OU-D. The products are clearly dairy as listed on the ingredient panel. Corrective action is being taken.

The Scroll-K would like to inform the public that many Carmel Wines are not mevushal. The same type of wine may have different versions and vintages, of which some are mevushal and some are not mevushal. Carmel Young-Moscato and Carmel Young-Camrigano wines’ 2009 vintage states “Not Mevushal”, but their 2010 vintage states “Mevushal”. Please check the label of each individual bottle for its correct status.

Please be advised that all Saratoga Chips For Goodness Shakes Seasonings distributed by Saratoga Specialties Company (Saratoga Springs, NY) bears an unauthorized OK symbol on the label.

Please be advised that DELICES DE LA FORET ALEGRIA MIX & NUTRIVRAC TROPICAL FRUIT Distributed by Delices de la Foret (Quebec, Canada) bear an unauthorized OK symbol on the label. OK Kosher Certification does not certify any Delices de la Foret products. Corrective measures are being taken.

DAVID’S BAGELS brand Dark Chocolate Non-Pareils, bears an unauthorized Star-K symbol. The product is not certified by Star-K. Corrective measures are being taken.

GOLAN DRIED FRUIT, 1496 Coney Island Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11230 – The Star-K / Star-D Certification on Golan Dried Fruit has been terminated. Any Star-K / Star-D symbol on any repack Golan dried fruit, confectionery items, candy, etc. is unauthorized.

Please note that PARDES / TOV PIZZA, 4001 13th Avenue, Brooklyn, NY, is no longer Star-K certified.

Two For The Road Ju Jubes, 80 g packet bears an unauthorized COR 564. Corrective measures have been taken. This product has been recalled by the manufacturer. Kindly contact the COR office if you should find this product.

Glory Foods Black Eyed Peas (canned), bears an unauthorized Star-K symbol. The product is not certified by Star-K and contains dairy ingredients. Corrective measures are being taken.

Go Bananas mix bag and Cherish My Chocolate mix bag from Bready North America, Columbia, MO dairy ingredients, as indicated in the ingredient panel, but are mistakenly labeled with a plain OU. However, Tuscan Love Affair mix bag and Cha Cha Cheddar mix bag are not certified kosher and the OU symbol on the packaging is unauthorized.

The Vaad of St. Louis (OV) logo inadvertently appears on a variety of Ready Pac prewashed salads such as the Santa Barbara and Spring Mix. This was printed in error as these products are not certified by the OV due to concerns of insect infestation. Triple washed iceberg and coleslaw varieties continue to be acceptable.

Please be advised that BJ’s Wholesale Club is selling various Wellsley Farms cakes bearing the OK kosher symbol. Wellsley Farms Carrot Crème Cheese Cake and Wellsley Farms Triple Chocolate Cake are certified kosher, dairy when bearing the OK-D symbol All other Wellsley Farms cakes are not certified by OK Kosher Certification.

Please be advised that a limited amount of baked goods produced by Beantown Bakery and distributed by Garber Bros., Inc. (Stoughton, MA) were mistakenly labeled as OK. They are Kosher and Dairy but the “D” designation was missing. Corrective measures have been taken.

Please be advised that Fine Line IQF Broccoli Cuts (Product of Guatemala) distributed by Paris Foods (Trappe, MD) bears an unauthorized OK symbol on the label. This product is not certified by OK Kosher Certification.

Please be advised that any Olive Oil distributed by B.M.A. USA, Inc. Glendale, CA bears an unauthorized OK symbol on the label. This product is not certified by OK Kosher Certification.

Irish Crème flavored Coffee grounds produced by Chicago Coffee Roastery, Huntley, Illinois, was mistakenly produced with a dairy ingredient, and should be treated as kosher dairy (Cholov Stam). All product made after September 4th is kosher pareve.

Wood Grilled Pizza Crust from The Pizza Gourmet, Providence RI bears an unauthorized OU. The company has removed the OU from the packaging, but some products with the unauthorized OU may still be in some stores.

Please be advised that OK Kosher Certification no longer certifies any Olive Oils distributed by Ciuti International, Rancho Cucamonga, CA. Any product bearing the OK kosher symbol is unauthorized. reports that anything produced after October 2010 is unauthorized.

Some Earth’s Best Vegetable Turkey and Sweet Potato Chicken jars of baby food from The Hain Celestial Group, Inc. bear an unauthorized OU and are not kosher. This mislabeling pertains only to products with Spanish labels, sold in Colombia, South America. The company is withdrawing this product from the marketplace

Please be advised that Opal S. Y. International is distributing HEIRLOOM FARMS POMEGRANATE JUICE (and possibly other products) bearing an unauthorized OK symbol on the label. 


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Alerts are compiled from , kashrus agencies’ websites; Kashrus magazine; Kosher Information Bureau; Jerusalem Kosher News  – [email protected], Shatnez Laboratory; and from the Guide to Chodosh (Rabbi Yoseph Herman).

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