UN Says Jews in Baku Can Freely Observe Their Traditions

There is no anti-Semitism in Azerbaijan and Jews can freely observe their traditions in the country, the head of the UN representation in Azerbaijan, Bruno Pueza, stated at the meeting with mountain Jews in Baku.

“Jews in Azerbaijan will be able to observe all ceremonies and traditions stipulated in Judaic dogmas. Domestic and everyday problems of Jews in Azerbaijan are the same as of the representatives of other ethnic and religious creeds,” Pueza noted, Agency of Jewish News quoted.

Pueza got interest in the history of Jewish diaspora in Azerbaijan, and in particular in the history of coming of first Jews to Azerbaijan. “We said to Mr. Pueza that the first Jews had come to Azerbaijan some 2,700 years ago. Those were migrants from the lands bordering with Azerbaijan in south,” a source at the board of Jewish community reported.

Getting familiar with the issues of the day of Jewish diaspora, Pueza stressed that the UN representation in Azerbaijan would be ever ready to render any assistance and support to the Jewish diaspora.

(Source: Trends)

2 Responses

  1. Yes, the great authority on facts, and protector of all the downtrodden around the world, the UN, says Jews “can freely observe their traditions.”

    We should be worried…

  2. Not long ago I visited Azarabaijan and I saw a lot of Jewish life ther. Especially the institution of Vaad L’Hatzolas Nidchei Yisroel who have their Jewish schools, Yeshivas, Mikvah, Kosher shechita and even a full day Kollel. I was told that the government is cooperating fully without any interference whatsoever.

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