Glenn Beck Receives Bracha From Israeli Chief Rabbi Metzger

Ahead of his “Restoring Courage” rally which will take place in Israel on August 24, American talk show host Glenn Beck had the opportunity to meet with Israel’s Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi Yona Metzger.

The two discussed the upcoming event and the rabbi offered his support.

Speaking to Rabbi Metzger, Beck described the event as a “gathering of people from all over the world who wish to stand for Israel and for the Jewish people.”

As he did when he addressed members of Knesset, Beck said he was inspired by the words of Biblical Ruth, who followed her mother-in-law, Naomi, to Israel from Moab and promised her that “Your people shall be my people and your G-d shall be my G-d.”

Beck asked Rabbi Metzger to take part in the rally and deliver the Prayer for the Welfare of the State of Israel, to which Rabbi Metzger agreed.

(Source: Arutz 7)

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