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Jews’ Roman Escape Route Found

Archaeologists in Yerushalayim say they have found an underground drainage channel that was used by Jews to escape from the Romans in 70 AD. The channel was buried under the rubble of the Bayis Sheni. Scores of people are thought to have sheltered and lived in the tunnel until they were able to flee Yerushalayim. Several parts of the tunnel have been preserved intact.

The tunnel is also believed to have been the main drainage channel at the time of the Roman conquest, stretching beneath the city and eventually reaching the Dead Sea.

(Source: BBC)

4 Responses

  1. I know you’re quoting the BBC, but do you realize that AD stands for Ana Domani, Latin for Year of our Lord, which may be true for the BBC, but not for YeshivaWorld.

    I would humbly suggest you change your quote of the article to delete “AD” and insert, in its place “[CE]”, or common era.

  2. I saw this when I was in EY last Succos! BBC is really slow.

    WAIT! Are they admiting the yidden were there and had a BAIS HAMIKDASH?!!

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