Israel’s Neo-Nazi’s Might Be Deported

According to the Jerusalem Post, Israel’s Interior Minister Meir Sheetrit had the following to say in regards to the story YW posted last evening – about the neo-Nazi gang busted in Petach Tikvah. He said he would consider revoking the citizenship’s of the suspected members of the neo-Nazi ring arrested in Petah Tikva.

“I intend to explore whether there is a legal possibility to revoke their citizenship’s and deport them from the country. If there is such an option, I will not hesitate to use it.”

The interior minister added that “whoever believes in the Nazi dogma has no place in the State of Israel.”


8 Responses

  1. what do you expect from a liberal socialist,anti-jewish government that deliberately brings non-jews into the country to offset the “jewish” votes. our problem is there are to many jews in Isreal! this is what will continue unless we do discriminate and realize we are a “Jewish” state.may hashem be felt by all inhibitors of the earth and may moshiach come soon in our days.

  2. Goodplan, deport them and revoke citizenship, this could be a deterent for others…
    It has always been hard for some bloggers to give any credit where credit is do!!

  3. The Israelis are hanging theselves with their own rope. They let them in, now they’re stuck with them!
    If they would have listened to the Rabbonim with regard to Gayrus, they wouldn’t be having these issues now.

  4. The State of Israel has a law on its books TODAY, known as ”the Grandfather Clause”, that allows anyone with ANY single Jewish grandparent to immigrate to Israel and obtain AUTOMATIC citizenship.

    That is what these thugs running the State, now and in the past, have done.

    sit back and count your toes or do something now. You have never made a mistake, and a bad one, iron out this crisis and send them with a one way ticket to Gaza.

  6. I agree with sayitlikeitis and stan the man. But, the Nazis were hanged after the Nuremburg trials were concluded not deported. The others escaped to Argentina. Maybe they would like to move to Iran to live with their best friend, the President of Iran!

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