NY Times Sees Danger In Palestinian UN Bid

The New York Times on Sunday criticized all parties involved in Middle East peace negotiations, including the Obama administration, and warned of “damaging consequences” to the Palestinian UN membership bid. 

“In little more than a month, the Palestinians are expected to ask the United Nations to recognize their state,” the editorial said. “We have sympathy for their yearning and their frustration. For years, they have been promised a negotiated solution — President Obama called for a peace deal by September — and they are still empty-handed. But the consequences could be profoundly damaging for all involved.”

The NYT stressed that the US will exercise its veto right in the UN “which will further isolate both Israel and Washington.”

“The Palestinians may instead ask the General Assembly to recognize them as a state or give them observer status as a state,” the article noted.

“Either would undoubtedly pass. But it would be in name only. After the initial exhilaration, Palestinians would be even more alienated, while extremists would try to exploit that disaffection.”

The newspaper claimed that the only way to avoid the looming disaster is in serious negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians. “The two sides haven’t even been in the same room together since September 2010,” it noted.

The paper then pointed fingers at the usual suspects. “Israel’s prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, has used any excuse he can find to avoid negotiations. He has blustered and balked at President Obama’s prodding. Republican leaders in Washington — who seem mainly interested in embarrassing Mr. Obama — have encouraged his resistance.”


4 Responses

  1. Maybe you go bankrupt you self hating Jews at the NYT. Abbas has continue to put stumbling blocks. One which was set up by obama was not to build which Israel didn’t for 10 months and abbas do nothing to negotiate. The nyt forgets Eretz Yisrael belows to the Jews.There was never ever a Palestinian state.Nyt keep promoting the Big Lie

  2. Perhaps the New York Nazi Times is not aware that Abu Mazrn wrote his doctoral dissertation about Holocaust denial. Perhaps the New York Nazi Times is not aware that there are already TWO “Palestinian” states – an Palestinian Arab state called JORDAN and a Palestinian Jewish state called ISRAEL.

    Why does YW bother reprinting anything from this leftist rag?

  3. Correction to Comment No. 1:
    The Sulzbergers, who own the NYT, are former Jews; i.e., many, or most, of them have converted to Episcopalean.

    Ynet, the source of this article, is a group of left-wing, self-hating, Israelis.

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