IDF Fears Flotilla Activists Will Try To Kill Soldiers

Military elements monitoring the Gaza flotilla said that radical elements taking part in the sail have said they were planning “surprises for the IDF” and plan to kill many soldiers.

The information suggests that radicals are planning to equip some of the vessels with bags containing chemicals, possibly sulfur, which they will use against soldiers who may try to take over the ships.

It has recently been estimated that only eight ships will take part in the sail, instead of 15. Some 500 activists are expected to board the vessels, half the original estimated number. They will include several prominent Hamas members such as Amin Abu Rashad, who heads a charity in Holland and Mohammed Ahmed Hanoun.


6 Responses

  1. Why not sink the ships and be rid of both the flotilla and these Hamas leaders in one shot. It will probably eliminate future flotillas, and the “international fury” will last only so long. There are not likely to be any long term bad results, since so many have asked the organizers to halt the flotilla.

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