Palestinians Gear For Sunday March On Israel’s Borders

Fatah representative in Lebanon, Munir Maqdah, said Tuesday that Palestinians residing in Lebanon, Syria, Jordan and Gaza were planning to march towards their respective borders with Israel on Sunday, the 44th anniversary of the Six Day War.

“We want our lands in Palestine back,” Maqdah said, noting that the processions aim to remain non-violent. He also urged UNIFIL forces in south Lebanon to “ensure the march’s safety.”

The Fatah official’s statement is the last in a myriad of activities calling on pro-Palestinian activists to march on Israel’s borders.

The highest flurry of activities is noted on Facebook, where various pro-Palestinian group have issued a similar call: “Our Palestinian countrymen, as part of our just pursuit of statehood… and in response to Netanyahu’s speech in Congress and Obama’s hesitant speech, we emphasize that Palestine is our land and the land of our forefathers and that will not accept any division or compromise.

“On this day, June 5, we urge you to take active part in actions meant to empathize with our prisoners,” the “Youth of June 5” page read.

Facebook pages affiliated with Syrian pro-Palestinian groups, called on the masses to “unite and turn June 5 into a day commemorating the fallen and right of return.”

Another group urges masses to “march on Israel’s border this Saturday and free the Golan Heights.”

Still, at this time no concrete plans for any march have been posted on social media websites.

(Source: Ynet)

10 Responses

  1. NOT A GOOD SIGN….this will cause IDF to be busy at border crossings while other terror plans could be in formation.

  2. While we are all anxious that Israel remains peaceful, comments such as #1 and #3 which display anger but are not really meant to be taken literally, should not be posted or approved on a public forum with any level of decency and integrity.

  3. “land of our forefathers”? What on earth are these people talking about? The “Palestinian” Arabs never existed in the past!

  4. Shoot to mane or kill don’t play games since each time they come it will be with more and more. Let them know force

  5. These animals are legally mercenaries and may be shot – to kill.
    They do not get access to the red cross or other services becuase they are not in uniform. Besides these pigs ignore the red cross anyway. So – therefore shoot them all. And if the SS un goes wth them, order them apart and if not consider them part of the mercenaries AND SHOOT THEM TOO!

  6. What does “marching on the borders” mean? Is this not a declaration of war? I’m sure the UN will urge the Arabs to “show restraint”.

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