VIDEO & PHOTOS: Thousands Visit Kever Yosef Hatzadik; Hundreds Throw Rocks At IDF Soldiers When Told To Leave

[VIDEO & PHOTOS IN EXTENDED ARTICLE] Under heavy security by the IDF, approximately three thousand people visited Kever Yosef Hatzadik in Shechem late Sunday night (Monday morning), but some of them refused to leave, and instead threw rocks at the soldiers.

The IDF maintained a large presence in the city and escorted them to the Kever.

According to the IDF, the trip was the largest of its kind in recent years.

When they were told that the visit had ended, some 200 people illegally entered Shechem (Nablus), an IDF spokesperson statement said.

About 50 of the infiltrators took hold over Kever Yosef (the tomb compound) and clashed with security forces, the statement said.

According to Army Radio, the infiltrators called for Israel to retake control over the area.

“This behavior risks lives and leads to the unnecessary risking of soldiers’ lives who were forced to act even in daylight in the center of Nablus,” the statement added.

Overnight Sunday, Palestinian filed complaints about property damage which will be looked into.

“The IDF sees the behavior of the infiltrators as severely irresponsible and it will be examined in cooperation with various security forces, who will also check the nature of the security over the entrance to Joseph’s Tomb for the future,” the IDF spokesperson said.

Click HERE to watch video from a mobile device.

YWN PHOTO LINK: Click HERE for photos.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

13 Responses

  1. …and why YWN, tell me why YOU have to help spread a chillul Hashem.

    This is a CH in itself – posting it here.

  2. “The IDF sees the behavior of the infiltrators as severely irresponsible…”

    Yet the Palestinians desecrating the graves with urine, burning trash inside & painting it green is deemed as “responsible”?

  3. I call on frum sites such as YWN to refrain from using the unfair word of “settlers” or “settlements” to describe cities or people who live in these cities in EY. They should be called CITIES or TOWNS!!

  4. Tikkun…..
    We DO NOT sink to their level.
    We just don’t work that way.
    The IDF worked hard to bring you there and protect you there- the least you can do it follow their directions

  5. …and does anyone think that this news is appropriate?

    Sometime news is Lashon Harah…or does nobody care?

    I know one place that doesn’t….

  6. How can the same people who go to a Kever to Daven lift a rock to throw it and hurt a fellow Jew who is there protecting them? Do they not sense the incredible hypocrisy?!

  7. As a general rule, when an activity involves an Aveira, the entire activity is probably not endorsed by the Torah.

    This recent upswing in graveside visits is not mainstream Judaism. Proof? Moshe Rabbeinu’s grave was hidden to prevent us from visiting it.

    Judaism has 613 Mitzvot – some of them involving distancing oneself from graves. Burying the dead is the only Mitzva that involves dead people.

    Time to go back to the original 613!

  8. “This recent upswing in graveside visits”…
    Please. Graveside visits has always been.
    I’ll save you the trouble of a long list, but just a couple of citations…
    Yosef went to Kever Rachel and the good me’raglim visited kever yosef. Furthermore, Yakov Avinu buried Rachel ‘on the road’ so that yidden should pray with her to Hashem.

    Halacha (Shilchan Ohruch, for Ereve Rosh Hashana) advises to do so.

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