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Bibi Wins Likud Primaries

bibi1.jpgLikud party Chairman Bibi Netanyahu remained in control of the party after winning primary elections Tuesday night. According to Ynet, the ballots closed with 37,633 of the 94,944 registered Likud members casting their votes. Results showed that Netanyahu received some 75% out of the 30,000 votes that have been counted so far, while his opponents Jewish Leadership faction leader Moshe Feiglin and World Likud Chairman Danny Danon and received 22% and about 4% respectively.

7 Responses

  1. Why care? You probably care more about whether the Yankees win the next game. There are issues vital to the daily life of 50% (at least) of Am Yiroel. If Feiglin had won, there would have been a pro-Torah prime ministerial candidate for the first time in Israel.
    Not worth caring about?

  2. nphatti, actually I care little about professional sports. Who the zionist PM is is meaningless for the vast majority of Yidden. Feiglin shmeiglin.

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