Shooting At Yeshiva Ateret Kohanim (Old City Yerushalayim)

2_m.jpgA security guard at Yeshiva Ateret Kohanim shot an Arab terrorist dead – after the Arab opened fire at another security guard – wounding him. An additional ten people were wounded bu gunfire in the shootout – including six Jews. The incident occurred when the attacker apparently grabbed the gun from the security guard and started shooting at him – wounding him moderately. The quick thinking of his partner, left the attacker dead.

Hatzolah Israel informed Yeshivaworld that an additional three bystanders were hurt moderately and seven seriously in the shootout.


20 Responses

  1. What do the gedolim hold. Is it mutur for them to put themselves in a mokom sekuna? I think that this yeshiva is in middle of the Arab quarter.

  2. the Kosel: most hold that it is the right thing to do.

    Dvorah, we only live with the words of our gedolim otherwise we are not doing what hashem wants from us and that includes learning torah in the wrong places. Hashem does not want that torah r”l.

  3. Keep in mind that when the yeshivas in the arab quarter opened, they were in safe places, now the arabs got less scared and more violent, so we try to avoid them, but if we run away from every angry arab, we’ll be driven out of Israel and most of europe.

  4. For your info:

    As I understand it the Mizrachist rabbonim consider yishuv EY within its historical boundaries to be a melchemes mitzvah (or melchemet mitvah) and therefore there is no petur for sakanah.

  5. Dvorah,
    Do you live in the Arab section of Yerushalayim? The Torah say, “VOCHAI BOHEM…” and not to live right next to someone that will kill you. Most Yeshivos don’t need a security guard 24/7.

  6. why would a frum jew (who cares what kind of ‘hat’ he wears on his head)need permission from rabanim to learn in a yeshiva in yerushalayim? i’m funcused!

  7. This is a good one for fans of the chazon ish.
    A torahdik family was living in Kfar Saba, and every night some chickens and other livestock was stolen from them (it bordered on arab land), they asked advice and a brocha from the Chazon Ish to move to a ‘safer’ area, the CI forbade them from moving and putting others in sakana.(published in sefer on bitachon by the CI)
    So therefore, those living in Arezai, Maalot D, Beis Yisroel thank the yiddim of the old city for your safety…..

  8. ALL Yeshivot in Jerusalem have security guards at all hours that there are people inside. Also all malls, zoos etc. The presence of a security guard does not make it dangerous. If I’m not mistaken, the halachos for a sakana means that more than 1 per 1,000 people get murdered. That B”H is not the situation here.

  9. YeshivishB
    “What do the gedolim hold”

    What do the gedolim hold. Is it mutur to live in chutz laaretz. Even though there is a mitzvah in the Torah to live in Eretz Yisroel,even though the Ramban says every one is חייב
    to live in Eretz Yisroel and if you dont it is like worshiping idols.

  10. For those that don’t know, the “Muslim Quarter” was really a Jewish neighborhood–until rioting and the subsequent war forced them out. Many still have title to buildings their families owned there.

  11. I lived in the Old City for a number of years. No matter where the shooting happened, the arabs are after the entire area, not just the “Muslim” quarter. They walk around freely through the “Jewish” Quarter high on drugs waiting to start fights. There are few incidents but it doesn’t matter which quarter you’re in. During the Intifada there were rabbonim and schools who did not allow their talmidim to visit the Rova but it happened to have been one area which stayed the safest during that time. Eretz asher tamid einei Hashem Elokecha ba… and most of all, in the Kosel and the Rova. Focus on the fact that Hashem allowed the guard to overcome the arab.

  12. it is interesting that the litvishe over frum kehilla there has bli ayin hora not been attacked once while the mizrachi kehillos there have been attacked. i’m sure they do their homework and they are fightin zionism and zionistic kehillos as part of a war and not jews.
    does anyone know where this yeshiva is

  13. #15

    …and in the Muslim quarter most of the ancient doorposts have a curious hole in the upper third on the the right side as you enter. Or else the hole is plastered over.

  14. machmoud
    Yeshiva Ateret Kohanim is located in what is incorrectly called the ‘Muslim Quarter’, close to the Kosel hakatan (which is a must to visit, and daven by)and near Rav Nachman Kahana’s shul.

  15. machmoud ????????????
    The terror killed plenty of yeshivisha yiden lo alaynu. The arabs DONT diffrentiate between different kinds of jews. (thats somthing maybe we could learn from them)
    For start take the 1929 Chevron massacre probably all the yeshiva boys were zionists
    the #2 bus during bein hazmanim
    I personally was at 2 seudas hodaoyas that were made. 1 for being on a bus that was blown up and 1 friend that was shot at. both charaidim.
    and the list goes on…..

  16. SYMCL
    The roshei yeshiva of the Chevron yeshiva in 1929 were Rav Sarna & Rav Moshe M. Epstein, “probably all the yeshiva boys were zionists”- the yeshiva boys who came to learn in Chevron Yeshiva were from EY, Europe & America, I guess they were “ZIONISTS” since they wanted to learn torah in ZION.

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