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Swastika Bubble-Gum – In Eretz Yisroel?!

gum.jpgAn Israeli woman was shocked at what she found inside a pack of bubble gum she had bought at her local store the Maariv newspaper reported on Thursday. “A surprise awaits you,” the Maariv daily said the pack states, showing a picture of a pink wrapper that read “Roll Bubble Gum” alongside what it said was the sticker, which showed a Nazi officer in uniform and wearing a swastika armband.

The newspaper said that the gums label was in Arabic and English and stated the gum was made in China.



15 Responses

  1. kosher? whos hechser? you anyhow cant trust food products made in china. I hope the “kosher food” is indeed kosher – who knows anymore!!

  2. I think that toilet-paper manufacturers in Israel should start printing pictures like that on the paper so that we can show our feelings in our own way. Yemach she’mom v’zichrom.Iran’s ‘leader’ s picture is another one to print on the t. paper.

  3. Man alive, that government needs leadership in their import-export areas (among others) or maybe this is a method to bolster Abbas image in the eyes of the Arabs.

  4. “Israeli woman” does not necessarily mean Jewish. Arabs and goying officially living in Israel are also “Israeli”.

    Since when are only “Kosher” products sold in Israel? This gum was probably as treif, as treif can come.

  5. Sounds like a sticky situation. Maybe they can put some divrei torah in the gum and even sell it to goyim (written in english), so they can learn a proper way of conducting themselves.

  6. i don’t understand what a person gets out of printing such a chewing gum or out of being a nazi. do they not see that generally the whole world whether they hated or didn’t hate the jews were fighting against them and almost all helped in convicting them and hold that it was wrong what hapened, and even if they start a war the only way is to fight a losing battle against the world. unless thay hope that in the near future that the organization -chas veshalom- will grow from a few thousands to over 3 billion i.e. more than half the wold. if this is not their unrealistic hope then i don’t undestand their ideal.

    An investigation is necessary and a stop put to this immediately. Imagine yourself, opening up the container of Yogurt, and a similiar picture meets your eye on the inside label?!?

  8. dear sayitlikeitis i think it is a message from g-d, moshiach isnt here yet stop acting like it is the best way to fight such things is through teshuva. hashem who protected us in the wilderness is the same hashem as now. just because we have computers and cell phones doesnt mean moshiach is here.

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