Mashaal Leader Gives Israel 1 Year To Recognize Palestinian State

Hamas leader Khaled Mashaal said Tuesday that his terror movement is willing to give Israel a one-year extension on recognizing a Palestinian state within the 1967 borders with Jerusalem as its capital. Mashaal said that Hamas wouldn’t declare war on Israel at the end of the year, but rather, it would “add additional cards to the pack of resistance.”

On a visit to Egypt to meet with factions who led the uprising against former President Mubarak, Mashaal said “in order for Israel not to find excuses to hinder the unity deal we are willing to offer her a year’s extension in order to examine her intentions.”

Mashaal refused to criticize the previous Egyptian regime and said that it had a positive role on the Palestinian issue and in all issues concerning Palestinian unity and internal affairs.

In an interview to the Reuters news agency on Sunday Mashaal said that the issue of Palestinian recognition of Israel could only be addressed after an independent state was set up in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

“First allow the Palestinian people to live on their lands freely… to establish their independent state… then ask the Palestinian people, its government and leaders about their position towards Israel,” he said.


10 Responses

  1. You know the thing you HAD to have respect about HAMAS was at least they mostly told you how it was. “We don’t like you and will not have peace”…

    As opposed to FATAH/PLO where they will just lie straight up to your face, then turn around while your still looking scream “I am lying”, then when asked by you about the lying, go “what are you talking about?”, and then turn around and so on.

    Now they are together, R”L. Hamas knows they have a state to create havoc in grasp. They are willing to talk the walk, and walk the talks. C”V They just have to stare down everybody, say they are willing to work things out, will get a state on a silver UN platter, and then just retract the next day, no questions asked.

    Woe the medina, woe the tzarus.


  2. “First allow the Palestinian people to live on their lands freely… to establish their independent state… then ask the Palestinian people, its government and leaders about their position towards Israel,” he said.

    First give me a loaded gun, then turn your back on me, then ask me what I think about shooting you.

  3. Perhaps Hamas should take a lesson from Pharaoh whose words against the Jews were turned against him and he was destroyed. I”YH perhaps Hamas is telling us Moshiach will be here within the year

  4. Why doesn’t anybody ever mention that the very land Mashaal wants to establish his State upon, i.e. the pre 1967 borders, was captured from Jordan by Israel. Jordan was constantly at war with the “Palestinian” people and tried to crush any sense of Palestinian nationalism. Certainly there would be no “Palestinian State” had the circumstances been as it was pre 1967. If Mashaal is really concerned about Palestinian people living freely on their lands he should be thanking Israel for freeing the land from the Jordanians and allowing the Palestinians to live freely within Israel’s borders. Why should Israel give Hamas what was captured from Jordan with the blood of Israeli soldiers unless they get something in return (which I don’t believe will ever happen.)


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