Bain Hazmanim Tragedies Continue…..ANOTHER Yeshiva Bocher R”L Dies in Eretz Yisroel

candle22.gifFor the second time in less than 24 hours, another Yeshiva Bochur has R”L died while on a Bain Hazmanim outing in Northern Eretz Yisroel. This incident occurred in Nachal Amud and the 15-year-old – currently learning in Yeshivas Ponavez – apparently suffered severe dehydration. Hatzolah Israel are begging all Bochrim that until the heatwave passes they should stop going on tours which involve climbing, and alot of walking. Many of these Nachals require 6 – 8 hours of walking, and in the current heat dehydration sets in quickly.

In addition to this incident, an entire family has been taken to the hospital from Nachal Amud after suffering from dehydration as well. They all appear to B”H be fine.

15 Responses

  1. I don’t know what the Gedolim say about these cases, but I once heard a story about Rav Avigdor Miller ZT”L where a man once came to him that his son had gotten burnt r’l by the hot water urn and he wanted to know what Hashem was telling him. Rav Miller said that Hashem is telling him to be careful. If there is a heat wave going on why are groups going on long hikes? Shomer pasoem Hashem doesn’t apply to people who do foolish things. Lets all listen to Hatzolah and stop these trips till the heat wave passes because even if you take water it will get used up quickly in the heat.

  2. Exactly, Mortz.

    The only relevant Gadol here is the “Ma’or HaGadol” It is saying “If you go on long hikes without enough water, you may get dehydrated.”

    Common sense does not need 14 Rabbis’ signatures to validate it. What a tragedy.

  3. #1: With no disrespect to gedolei ha’dor, why would we need the gedolei ha’dor to weigh in on how much water we should carry when hiking or at what level of heat and air quality we should remain indoors? Is it not sufficient to rely on our common sense and, if we lack knowledge of matters related to safety, to conduct our own independent research of what is safe and what is not? I would hope that our rabbonim are not weighed with the task of telling us how to hike; there are far more complicated shailos people need answered, and the rabbonim need their sleep, too.

    In terms of what is causing this tzuris, I am personally of the opinion that when tzuris strikes, the masses should be encouraged to undertake individual and communal cheshbon ha’nefesh, not to place blame, but to identify areas where we can improve. Maybe my talking in shul did not cause another’s dehydration – but I’ll bet the R’B’S’O is happier when I don’t talk in shul, so why not be motivated to better behavior?

  4. what’s going on in eretz yisroel don’t they have braines to carry some water around how do you go on a trip without carrying a lot of water around

  5. Hashem is telling us to have a little COMMON SENSE!!! Shoimer P’sayim Hashem is not foolproof, Rabbosai. Let’s please be more careful in all aspects of life and not test Hashem’s mercy. Chazal say that “Ain Hakadosh Boruch Hu Ba Bitrunia im Beruav”-Hashem does not try to trick us and test us, b’chasdo. Let’s not try to test him either, please

  6. Maybe the Rabbonim are too busy creating another Vaad for illegal rent control to pay attention to this life or death situation…

  7. Chicago MENTCH??!!

    You are far from that.

    The Ribono Shel Olam takes two korbonos from us in 24 hours – just 2 days after Tisha B’av – and you have the GALL to write such blatant motzei shem ra against GEDOLIM?

    Shame on you!
    Please never submit a comment on this website again.

    To all those with the brilliant ideas for the hikers: Get a life!
    Say some Tehillim.

    The temp. is close to 125F in some areas – and NO amount of water can pretty much help.

    There is a terrible tragedy at hand – and comments get submitted like “how dumb can these boys be” etc.

    Raboysai! If you have nothing normal to say – then please don’t.

    YW Editor.

    Please do not post comments directed in response to my comment – because they will be deleted instantly.

  8. First off let me apologize for my insensitive remark. It was inappropriate for the current situation.

    However, I still have a comment on the general attitude on this subject.

    It seems like a lot of people just have their heads in the sand when it comes to situations like this. Why is “Just say Tehilim and everything will be alright” an acceptable solution to everything?

    What ever happened to a little practical advice? Maybe wear lighter clothing (tzniusdik, of course), drink plenty of fluids, or maybe even stay indoors until the extreme weather passes.

    I’m all for Tehilim and faith in the One up above, but a little hishtadlus is also required.

    Editor Responds: HOW do you know that he was NOT wearing light cloths, and did not have 10 liters of water with him? How? How can you possibly know that info? Please tell us.

  9. What a brilliant comment by Chicago Mentch! Knock the Rabbonim! You will get very far in life! Instead of knocking them, maybe sit down & learn a blattt gemora, it may get you someplace!

  10. this is a terible tragity and not normal heat waves come every summer but 2 buchrim in 24 hours. this is on all of our heads what ever little part we have in this. we need to do teshuva now and yes saying thelim works and so does learning

  11. None of my comments have been directed to the specific people involved in this story. It is more of a general comment about the situation.

    If in fact the temps are reaching 125, common sense would dictate that you don’t go on a 6 hour tiyul.

    If someone’s time is up, he could be in what is perceived as the safest place in the world and it won’t make a difference. That doesn’t change the obligation that we have of “shmiras hanefesh v’haguf”.

    These tragedies should at least serve as a reminder to exercise extreme caution in such conditions.

    And of course a little Tehilim doesn’t hurt…

  12. Chicago Mentch, I don’t know underatand how your previous response answers how you get the nerve to write against Rabbonim. Please explain why that is OK in your eyes?

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