ANOTHER Baby Locked In Car In Eretz Yisroel

mada4.jpgFor the second time in less than 24 hours, another baby was found locked in a car in Netanya in the sweltering heatwave currently hitting Israel, reported Arutz 7. The one-year-old child was found in the car by police – who smashed the window and handed the baby to Magan David Adom Medics – who are checking the baby at this time. At approximately the same time of this incident, the family from yesterday’s tragedy were nebach burying their child.

2 Responses

  1. My Mom z’l always locked the car by using the key. That way, she explained, she would never lock her keys in the car. This habit also provides an opportunity for drivers to look through the window as they lock the door to ensure that they have not forgotten anything in the car, be it a purse or, G-d forbid, a child.

    It takes all of an extra five seconds. It’s not a bad habit. Chances are we waste five seconds during the day doing other stuff.

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    Edited by Site Moderation Panel: While your product is probably great, Yeshivaworld does not do free advertising. 🙁

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