Miracle In Israel: Toddler Survives Five Story Fall Down Staircase

An 18-month-old infant late Sunday plummeted down a staircase in south Israel, surviving unscathed in what Israeli media has described as a “true miracle.”

The infant fell from an apartment building’s fifth floor when she started fidgeting in her father’s arms. The man lost grasp of the child, looking on terrified as she hit bottom, local media reported.

Magen David Adom emergency services rushed to the scene as neighbors comforted the infant’s father. They said the man was unable to bring himself to go down and check on his daughter, certain that she was dead.

Paramedics found the infant crying with only a small cut wound above her eyebrow. Her survival is attributed to the thick parka and hat she was wearing, which absorbed the blow.

“It was a miracle. The man would never have dropped her on purpose. He is a loving and devoted father,” neighbors said.

“The situation was very stressful. My wife and I received a gift from God,” the infant’s father told daily Yedioth Aharonot.

The infant is currently hospitalized and is listed in stable condition. Doctors said they expect that she would be released home on Monday afternoon.

(Source: Xinuha Net)

4 Responses

  1. Out of curiosity, how come this was only reported by a Chinese news source? Didn’t any local news agency find it news worthy?

    Aryeh Zelasko
    Beit Shemesh

  2. I think the building code should be revamped. This is not the first story in Eretz Yisroel of someone falling down many flights. If there would be a landing every half of a story, that would break the fall.

    Anyway, Baruch Hashem that He saved the child.

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