Sunday Night’s Hafganah in Meah Shearim

hafganah2.jpgOnce again the streets of Yerushalayim were set ablaze on Sunday night when rowdy crowds of Chareidim set dumpsters on fire & pelted Egged buses with stones. Police responded and the crowd dispersed resulting in no arrests. The Chareidim are protesting the arrest and imprisonment of quite a few Beit Shemesh Chareidim – who were arrested for participating in a Hafganah a few weeks ago.

It is interesting to note, that Egged has recently threatened to halt buses traveling through the Meah Shearim – due to excessive damage to their buses. In addition, a few innocent passengers on the buses have been taken to the hospital in recent weeks from injuries sustained from getting hit with rocks.

15 Responses

  1. If there was ever an example of Sinas Chinam.
    Throwing stones Setting dumpsters on fire ?!!
    PLEASE can someone organize a hafganah against these hafgaha’s. When will our Gedolim come out against this !!!!! I really hope that this doesn’t just fade away like a regular news story on yw. Let’s engage in a tachlisdik disscusion of hope we can ride our generation of this terrible Chillul Hashem. Please lets not name call and list all the bad the police have done. That is NOT
    the point. The point is that these demonstrations of Hoolaginism and Thuggery are not bringing the would closer to Geula and that is THE problem.
    Evil occurs when good people do nothing. I don’t know what to do, but if someone in the yw family does I’ll join them.

  2. Of course we all know that these pointless, rowdy hafganos only cause chillul Hashem. For those of us living in E Y its embarrassing; all we hear from cab drivers is “those chareidim…” dripping with animosity. a shame

  3. Above 2 comments RIGHT ON THE MARK! WHAT A DISGRACE!! is THIS TORAH?? THis will only damage Frum people’s reputation. and… THIS is behaviour on erev tisha b’Av?? Where are our “gedolim” here? Why don’t they protest this loudly?!How do we expect Hashem to give us Sholom if our own so-called b’nei Torah publicly sin like this!?It is embarrassing even if it weren’t sinful. THIS is tragic!! They should be made to pay for all the injuries and damage they caused (I beleive that’s what the halochoh demands!)

  4. The only way to put a stop to this.



  5. Fire and rocks, I quess Meah Shearim is now similiar to the city of S’dom. Injuries on the bus, property damage, I second the motion of no Egged going through the area.
    SICK SICK, look at Netanya and see how a protest can look,, and it will accomplish much more in everyones eyes.

  6. Red,
    Great point!! If we don’t fund their yeshivos & chadorim & they close down there will surely be nobody on the streets demonstrating. Rigt?

  7. My dream:
    A rally in Kikar Shabbos lead by our Gedolim to protest the obvious Chillul Hashem and violation of Halacha by those claiming to be Chariedim. Thousands of people peacefully saying Tehilim. Being repectful and nice. Sounds too ideal ? I don’t think so. We need to undo some of the sick damage that people from our ranks have caused. If we sit by and do nothing this insanity will only get worse. There must be one person reading this that can speak with someone that can bring this idea to the Gedolim and make this happen.
    Let’s take back the streets and bring pride back to being a Ben Torah. Until then I hang my head in shame.

  8. The main reason for these protests is that this is their only outlet. They do not play ball, go on trips or study other subjects etc… If a “Kid” needs a break from learning this is the only thing that they can do. This is the main problem.

  9. This is astounding. Who is reporting this?

    Why should we believe this slander without any credible source?

    Believing motzi shem rah erev tisha bav is a real call to teshuva.

  10. It’s being reported in the news with videos and photos and eye-witnesses,so it’not motzi shem-,or loshon ho’rah. It IS just plain RAH and makes a chillul Hashem which MUST be stopped!Public fighting between fellow Jews is always ‘ RAH.’

  11. I think whoknows is probably right.
    These protests are not being led by a Rebbe who just gave shiur to his talmidim about the importance of being bevatel Torah for a hafganah and then led them to the streets and threw the first rock.
    My understanding from credible sources is that for the most part they are over-grown at-risk youth looking for “action”. They do need better outlets than burning garbage cans( are they protesting garbage cans? Is there any one that doesn’t hold of organized garbage disposal ?)
    but that won’t happen.
    The main question is how we let them run wild and be Mechal Shem Shamayim. Why are we being held hostage by hooligans?
    If organizations like Agudas Israel have a purpose I think this would be it- SAVE US FROM OURSELVES.
    Ben Hazamanim is coming up. Is it not possible to organize a mid afternoon rally of thousands of benei Torah to say Tehilim and daven Mincha peacefully in support of HALACHA and KIDDUSH HASHEM.
    If not now….

  12. The term chareidi should not be used loosely. It should be reserved for someone who legitimately follows the Torah and brings kovod shamayim to the world.

  13. sammygol.
    Even so, are you helping the situation at all? Nah, I don’t think so and truthfull speaking you’d probably agree. So the least we could do is pray that they [and we] should be ‘chozer betshuva’. Don’t forget it’s almost Tisha B’av. We won’t get our Bais Hamikdosh by pointing fingers. However if you consider yourself from the gedolim of today and think you could do something, by all means go ahead. But please don’t just sit there by your computer screen saying how much we need help. If your not adding to the solution [I don’t mean just TALKING about the solution, I mean actually doing something] then “Shomer piv yirchak me’hem” because “yaphe shitukso yoser me’diburo” and you know it. Instead let’s remind ourselves how Yerushalayim could’ve been if we hadn’t wronged in the first place.

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