Pork Sale is Now Illegal in Netanya

pig cover.jpgThe Netanya City Council has officially approved a bylaw prohibiting the sale of pork in the city on Tuesday. Netanya Mayor Miriam Fierberg has also called on Israeli MKs to pass a law to completely prohibit the sale of pork products in the entire Israel.

Up until now, the residents remained silent on the subject, but the opening of a new pork-selling supermarket in the city center sparked protests by Charedim, who chained themselves to the supermarket’s doors on Sunday.

There are approximately, 70 stores selling pork products in Netanya, and most of their customers are immigrants from the former Soviet Union.

Those opposing the law called it “religious coercion and violation of the dominant status-quo in the city”.


58 Responses

  1. That picture reminds me of when, in the time of second Bais HaMikdash, a חזיר was lifted up in a basket, and stuck its claws into the wall!

  2. How do we dispel the argument that it is religious coercion? True, we frum Jews understand why it is necessary, but in doing kiruv how do we explain this to people?

    It’s not enough to point out the oppression and horrors committed against frum Yidden and frumkeit perpetrated by the Israeli government. Two wrongs don’t make a right. We have to show that this is RIGHT, not that it’s right in view of what has been done against us, or in the relative perspective of other events.We have to show how it is ABSOLUTELY right, as we have the fortune to know Torah is. So how do we explain what non-frum people consider to be “religious coercion?”

  3. Please, is it necessary to show us what a dovor acher looks like? Just looking at the picture makes me feel like I need a mikve.

  4. The city of Netanya was named after Nathan Strauss, who remained in Eretz Yisroel to help settle the land and build yeshivos. It has always been a city of Torah, Mitzvohs and Chesed, home to Laniado hospital, Klausenberg rebbe and many yeshivas for young boys. Kol hakavod! we are proud.

  5. I have to say in my ignorance this story does not sit well with me. Why Pork? What about all other non kosher foods? What abour a much worse problem? Pretzus?? When an Israeli eats pork in his home it’s an aveirah, but when the Israelis as a whole walk around as though on the beach it’s a Toeivah for Eretz Yisroel. I have to say I am confused here, I don’t see the relevence of this story. It makes no sense to me. Please someone explain.

  6. Well, now that another news item has been added, the picture of the chazer isn’t so big anymore. But couldn’t a drawing, rather than the silly looking and ridiculous photograph, have done just as well?

  7. wsx,
    Do you really feel that that was a good thing to say, especially during the nine days? Also, obviously there are many people on this site who have a problem looking at the picture of a pig. Can any one please state a mekor for the issur of looking at or posting a picture of a pig, or any other “other thing” for that matter?

  8. >Hint: pigs don’t smile

    I’d bet they smile when a law against eating them is passed.

    As to being disgusted by pigs, first of all Chazal say that one is not supposed to be disgusted by pigs, but rather we don’t eat them solely because we were commanded not to.

    U’b’ikar hadevarim, R. Ahrele Belzer was known to melamed zechus on all yidden (yes, wsx). He was once confronted by a person who was vary agitated about the ‘chofshim’, they are ‘m’gadlei chazeirim’, he declared (which is assur, never mind that they were probably intending to eat them), and as such, terrible people.

    “What’s the problem”, replied R. Ahrele, “don’t you understand? These people have such Emuna that Moshiach will arive at any moment, that they are already preparing chazeirim, for it says in seforim that the Chazir will become kosher when Moshiach comes”.

    Let us all learn from R. Ahrele and try to look at things with an ‘ayin tova’, – especially now in the 3 weeks, which is a time we remember the churban which was caused by sinas chinam – and thus be zoche to bi’as Moshiach when the chazir will be kosher, bb”a.

  9. Yes, I get the joke. The pig is “happy” he’s being “spared”. But I do think that the fact that any treife food, especially chazer, is being sold in Eretz Yisroel anywhere is pretty sad, and nothing to joke about. I am glad it’s being stopped in Netanya, though. I hope the law being proposed prohibiting the sale of chazer throughout the country passes.

  10. to all those complaining about the picture:

    I would much rather see a picture of a pig – with or without the loopy grin, than a picture of achmenedjad or however you spell his name!

  11. where does the torah say that a goy cannot sell pork to a goy in EY? i do not support the sale of pork in israel, but only on a hashkafik level (similar to gay parades). my question is purely from a halachic point of view.

  12. 25: It’s not in the Torah (shebiksav).

    I believe the Gemara pronounced a Cherem on anyone who raises pigs in Israel, in direct consequence of the incident noted in post #4. I don’t have the reference handy (perhaps in the Kamtza/Bar Kamtza section in Gittin?).

  13. Moshe Aryeh Friedcircuits of Vienna has been out of the news for so long now. Why did you have to post his picture for this article of all things?

  14. wsx,
    I don’t think the pig is insulted, I would tend to think though that comparing the pig to a Zionist, would insult anyone who is a Zionist.
    Do you really not understand that?

  15. namel, thanks for “pointing out” the humor. I would never have gotten it without you.

    I am glad thought you got my humor without anyone needing to help explaining that it was supposed to be humorous.

  16. namel, that is what I am thanking you for. I would never have thought it was funny till you “pointed it out” to me.

    I am glad though you realized my humor without anyone needing to point it out to you.

  17. Wsx,
    For some reason i got cut off! my point was that I thought HIS joke was funny and yours was not! But dont give up, keep on trying!

  18. namel,

    Sorry to hear you were all too excited and hit the carriage return a bit too quickly! Better luck next time… (I recall that is not the first time that happened to you–unless you too subscribe to the conspiracy theory that somehow YW is behind this and out to get you!)

    But getting back to our point, your actions speak louder than your words. From your comment #32 you obviously demonstrate that you realized I was being humorous (whether you liked my humor or not.)

    On the other hand, you had to unfortunately “point out” the humor in what you thought was funny. That is truly a sad state of affairs, for something that ostensibly was supposed to be funny.

    My sincere apologies for this long-winded explanation, but you apparently needed some hand-holding here to understand the points being made regarding the humor (or lack thereof.)

  19. Well, its obvious now that the second part of my original post was indeed censored and so was my last post!

    Wow! your collegues are really LOYAL!

  20. Joseph to the outer-elements, Joseph to the outer-elements: proceed with “Operation Eliminate Dissent. Repeat. proceed with “Operation Eliminate Dissent.

  21. yeah, yeah, go ahead and cover your tracks!
    Remember, I’m just the conspiracy Theorist, you guys are the CONSPIRATORS!

  22. Dont know about Theroists needing a villain but one thing is sure…..

    Every sisnister web site NEEDS and HAS an OIBERCHUCHEM!!!

  23. nameless: This is spooky. Whatever happened to you? I never heard you like this…

    Do you really believe what you are saying? That YW Editor is behind a whole bunch of names and is out to discredit you?

    Why would you ever be such a prolific poster here, spending so much time on these boards? (Come to think of it, how do you have so much free time?!)

  24. namel, well, well, well. why just yesterday (comment #36 in the jetblue story) you appointed yourself the yw spelling czar, criticizing others for their spelling errors. and here & now in comment #44 you you spell sinister as sisnister! do i sense some hypocrisy here?!

    mdlevine, it was just in friendship. in fact i thought that this room had emptied out already. please keep it between the three of us.

  25. hmm… you last post last night was at 10:23 pm (4:23 in NY) and your first post today was at 6:07 AM (12:07 in NY).

    That is less than 8 hours betwwen them.

    Do you live & breath YW?

    Doesn’t your Baal need you to cook him something or another?

  26. and if you throw that question back at me, we can discuss it. Once you provided a clear & concise answer on your own of course.

  27. I live and breath my computer because my work is associated with it!

    AlthougH in MY case, my husband is the bread winner BH. Get a feeling I cant say the same about you!
    Now, I think my implications are clear,,,,,

  28. Oh ,and wsx?

    you are right, a good night sleep has done me wonders! And I hope it does the same for you. The sooner , the better!

  29. Your ”implications are clear”… that we’re back to the secret conspiracy against poor nameless? So now you are back to where you really weren’t joking?

    Am I a YW op/agent? I must know!

    Please don’t keep us in such suspense. The thriller continues…

  30. pffff,,,,that wasnt my implication at all! Really , Josef, lol! No, Jos’ , frankly I think your sharpness as a poster is much more evident than it is as an agent,,,,,,

  31. I asked how you have all that time to live & breath YW. You’re on the site early morning, noon, & late nights! Look at all the times you posted… 6 Am till 11 Pm your time!

    But one thing your are right is my husband isn’t the breadwinner. I am. (In our communities we gentlemen don’t have husbands in fact.)

    What does he think of you being here talking to all these guys?

  32. hey, stop chepening with nameless!

    nameless, what was the heter for that hand-holding episode (discussed in the end of comment #37 and the end of comment #48)?

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