VIDEO: Glenn Beck On Itamar Massacre

Regardless of what you think of Glenn Beck, while the rest of the worlds media has quickly forgotten about the horrific atrocity that occurred in Itamar this past weekend, in which the Fogel family was brutally butchered, Fox News Host Glenn Beck did not. This is the closing segment of the Glenn Beck show today.

32 Responses

  1. Hocke411r, maybe you’re not listening but secretary clinton was the first to condemn the attack sat. eve/sunday morning. (she was followed soon after by the birtish foreign minister) and then president obama harshly condemned it as the terrorist act it was and then he later issued a fuller statement. congresswoman debbie wasserman schultz led the charge and was the first legistlator to speak out very strongly as well.
    that said, this was a nice way for Beck to get back in the good graces of the jewish community after his most recent debacle.

  2. The Goq : very simple – the way GB talks about israel is the way GWB talks is the way sara Palin talks is the way rush talks is the way any GOP talks. You never find anymore (with some minor excpetion like a weiner) talking so pro israel on the dem side

  3. #5- That’s’ Secretary Clinton’s JOB.

    Let’s see the rabid anti-Semite, Jew hating CNN host “Wolf Blitzer” condemn it.

    Big talker.

    PS: I’m a Democrat

  4. The reason, I believe Jews vote Democrat, is due to FDR and Harry Truman, they’re the ones that ended WWII and gave Israel a state so in gratitude Jews vote Democrat.

    also BTW, whenever there’s an issue for funding there is always strong bipartisan support for Israel

  5. WHO CARES IF THESE GOYIM CONDEMN IT!!! It’s meaningless.

    Just don’t punish Israel with threats of boycotts, etc. when they do what they have to do against the yishmaeli PERE/adam!!!!

  6. #6 it doesnt seem simple to me i dont see any correlation between voting democrat and the terrorist attack in Itimar

  7. No. 6: Talk is cheap. And if no. 5 is right, plenty of Democrats have done the talking you seem to think will protect Israel.

  8. #14 – You obviously are not paying attention to the pulse of politics in the usa in 2011. There are people in Europe taking PRO israel stances- doesnt meant that Europe inst generally unfavorable towards Israel. As a whole, the GOP is much much more PRO Israel then the Dems. There is no comparison

  9. No. 13: You did not ask me, but allow me to answer, please: Your question is meaningless, and therefore, the answer is, “False.” What does it mean to be “many more times pr isreal as a whole …”? [sic] How did 8 years of Republican George W. Bush improve the security of Israel? And how do you measure it?

    When have unhappy citizens of Arab dictatorships protested against their governments, rather than the US or Israel? Not during any US presidency since 1948, I believe. So something has changed for the better in Arabia and the Middle East, and it happened on the watch of President Obama. That is not conclusive proof that his policies are the cause of the improvement, but it makes me think. How about you? Are you doing any thinking?

  10. No. 15: There is a comparison, and you made it. I don’t understand the comparison, or why you think the comparison is meaningful. You are not alone in making comparisons. Lots of people tell me: vote for _________, he’s more for Israel (or real America, or feral cat rescue). That’s a comparison, and it is meaningless without reference to specific actions or policies or outcomes.

  11. tina how will voting for a republican instead of a democrat help prevent an attack like this in the future? again i dont see why you are equating voting democrat and what happend at Itamar

  12. Bravo, Glenn Beck, for bringing this topic up on national television. But even more so for showing the reactions of the palastenians, yimach shemam v’zichram!

  13. #18 Because if the US President sides with Israel, then it israel the political cover to defend themselves.

    #17. Your out of touch with what the dems have become on israel.

  14. President G. W. Bush supported Israel greatly during his administration were there no loss of Israeli lives to terrorism during that 8 year span? your original comment still does not compute

  15. The Israel lobby is not about party. Dennis Ross can work for Republican and Democratic administrations because he represents the Israel lobby. Alan Dershowitz is now supporting his former student in an Illinois congressional race even though he is a Republican, because of the Israel issue. Irving Kristol and Norman Podhoretz both left the Democratic Party for the Republican Party over Israel in the ’70s. Michael Walzer supported Nixon during impeachment because he’d helped Israel. And some Israel lobby types flipped back to Clinton from Bush during the 90s because Bush had gone after Shamir on settlements. Party loyalty is less important than loyalty to Israel

  16. There are 38 Senators and Members of Congress who are (identified as) Jewish.

    There are 37 Senators and Members of Congress who are Jewish and Democrats.

    There is 1 Member of Congress who are Jewish and Republican. No Senator is Jewish and Republican.


  17. #21. well if O wouldve been president I believe things wouldve been worse. Israel would not have had that war with Hamas under O

  18. #8 we are not the whole world, & to all others who dont understand that republicans are much more pro israel then the liberels are what about that right after prime minister bibi said that he will build more houses america was the very first to warn not to do it. (p.s. im in generel anti zionist but i also have a political view on them.)

  19. nfgo3…

    Do you seriously think that when the dust settles on the uprisings in the arab countries that things there will be more democratic or more pro-western???
    Want to know what WILL happen?
    Look at Iran after the Shah was deposed.

  20. My daughter is Tamar’s teacher.
    Forget the thread of republican or democrat. . .
    Remember Glenn Beck’s message of that there is tremendous evil in the world today.
    That and the idea that Jewish anything (blood or land) is so cheap that it only stays on the newscasts for a few hours and then we are condemned again and again and again.
    Teshuvah, Tefilla and Tzedakah
    THAT is all we can do now. . .

  21. No. 20: Here’s difficult question that someone with all the answers should have. At the current time, without considering future changes in policy, practice or law, which political party within New York state is more responsible for providing financial support to yeshivas?

    Next question: At the current time, without considering future changes in policy, practice or law, which political party within New York state is more responsible for providing financial support to social service agencies that serve (a) the Jewish community, and (b) the frum Jewish community?

    Instruction: Your answers must be written completely in English, in complete sentences, and must be logical and soundly reasoned. Any statements of fact must be supported by citations to the sources of your information, or, alternatively, stated to be upon your personal belief. In lieu of answering these questions, you may get in touch with the limits of your expertise.

  22. Condemning is one thing and it is appropriate but GB took it one step further where most politicians dare not go. He went over to the other side to show how they were celebrating this tragedy. When have Israelies ever celebrated the loss of life, even that of palestinian life?

  23. Obama’s policies towards Iran and Egypt have put Israel in a great amount of danger. It is obvious that Obama was completely clueless about Egypt, as he shifted his policy towards Mubarak every day. There is a reason Saudi does not give a you know what about what Obama says regarding sending Saudi troops into Bahrain. The Saudis no longer trust Obama, and most of our Arab allies do not.

    On that note of the Saudis I think Obama’s proposal to sell $90 billion of advanced weaponary to them is one of the most dangerous, stupid and shortsided ideas I have ever heard of.

    On Libya, Obama together with other world leaders were extremely dumb. Let me start off that I am against all US military action in Libya. Obama puts Qadaffi in a corner by telling him he has to go, getting UN sanctions, telling him he will be held accountable for his crimes, but does nothing now that Qadaffi is winning the war. Qadaffi had no choice but to fight on since he knew he was a wanted man worldwide. This idea of backing Qadaffi into a corner while not helping the rebels was incredibly dumb and dangerous. This could also have a negative outcome on any major protests that occur in Iran, where the demonstators will know not to rely on the US.

    On the Israeli-Palestinian issue, Obama by deciding to completely pressure Israel into a complete settlement freeze. I am pro a two state solution and against building in territorities that Israel is not going to keep in a future agreement, but his policy was a catastrophe.

    In regards to Obama being responsible for Jewish deaths I can give a specific example. He put pressure on Israel to ease life for the Palestinians, and Israel removed 15 of the 19 roadblocks surronding Hevron. A few days later an awful terrorist attack occurred in Hevron.

    This is not surprising from someone who was a very close friend of Rashid Khalidi, a former spokesman for the PLO. Obama is an amateur as evident by his policy in Egypt (even if you supported Mubarak) and dangerous.

  24. #20 – The answer to both your questions is gop. The dem party is all about giving trophies to the losers (poor) and milking the rich. The fact is most support to mosdos comes from individuals and not from the govt. If taxes will be lowered by alot, then the frum entrepreneurs will flourish and the mosdos will be greatly helped

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