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Debate Over Israel’s Decision To Publish Horrific Images Of Fogel Family HYD

(NOTE: Images were not published by YWN due to extreme graphic content) The debate over the publication of pictures from the scene of the massacre in Itamar, which include explicit pictures of the murdered children’s bodies, continues: Minister of Public Diplomacy and Diaspora Affairs Yuli Edelstein said Monday, “I want journalists and editorial staff to deal with those pictures.” He added that the shocking pictures of the five murder victims may influence global public opinion.

The committee discussed Israel’s information distribution issue in an era of social networks. At the center of the debate is the ministry’s dilemma over whether to publish the heartrending photos of the bodies of the five victims – parents Ruthie and Udi and three of their six children – Yoav (11), Elad (4) and baby Hadas.

During the debate the minister explained why he believes the pictures should be published. “Let those who already have a fixed image of the conflict between the countries or the nations who can’t seem to reach an agreement over a piece of land see the pictures of the three month old baby; maybe then they will understand that their image is distorted.

“We all hope and pray that we will never need to expose ourselves to these pictures, but if heaven forbid there are more events like these in the future – we will know how to handle it.”

Explaining how he reached the decision to publish the photos the minister added: “I have often been asked why we are so sterile in the information we share. At some point the events accumulate and though we have personally been exposed to unmentionable horrors, everyone has that point that gets them.

“The decision wasn’t an easy one, without the family’s consent we would never have even considered the issue. The family said yes – under certain conditions.”

Knesset member Nachman Shai (Kadima) also addressed the issue. “The pictures could have been released,” he said. “But it seems that the decision derives from hysterical and quick decisions to situations, since there is no planning or consideration and since the government is dragged into things instead of initiating – both with the pictures and the decision to build.

“Israel has no policy, it just responds to events without deliberation or strategic planning. The pictures were forced on the government because they leaked out and the construction decision is causing global criticism which damages the affect of the terror attack.”

Former Minister Isaac Herzog also disagreed with Edelstein’s decision, saying it “weakens” Israel. “The decision to publish the photos broadcasts panic and leads to disrespect for the grief,” he said. The fact that the photos are being published right after Israel announced the approval of more construction in the West Bank “creates confusion”, he added.

(Source: Ynet)

28 Responses

  1. And the media outside EY doesn’t care because what’s a few dead Jews? The only time they get steamed up is if Israel actually shoots a suicide bomber…or builds a few homes.

    I heard Israel knows where the murders came from. They should give the people in the village 30 minutes to get out & blitz the place.

  2. No. 2: Are you advocating the destruction of the homes of people who are innocent of the crimes but who live in the same village as the criminals? Ask a rov about that one.

  3. I saw the pictures on Motzei Shabbos and they have been burned in my mind forever. I can’t eat, sleep or pretend to be happy that Purim is in a few days. I can’t stop crying for these beautiful children who have been slaughtered in their beds. I think the world should see how heinous our enemies are, but would they care? Even worse, would it make our enemies even happier, and more excited to see Jewish blood spilled? I needed to see the pictures, because I want to feel the pain- this really did happen to us, I want to be affected by it. But I don’t want my children to see it (and children will see it if it gets publicized).

  4. bestbubby (#2) – Et tu, Grandma? After WWII German officers were convicted of war crimes for carrying out collective punishments.

  5. The argument that the release of these pictures leads to disrespect of the grief is true BUT much more good will come from it than bad. Seeing is believing. Show them to CNN, to the White House, the American public, the UN. These pictures can shake the massive political gridlock that we are in. This must have been a tough decision by the family but it was a very brave.

  6. Clear it out an level the place; is not such a bad idea. It will tone down other people who get these ideas since the whole town will go after them for loosing their houses

  7. I don’t need to see pictures. What do we need to prove?
    G-d created anti-Semitism for a reason. It has always been and always will be. It’s a virus infected in the world lying dormant until the ripe time.
    No logic, No explanation, No stories, No Holocaust, No pictures can change the world opinion on us.

    Why do we care what the world thinks of us? There can never be friendship. Never understanding. Never any social involvement. So who cares is CNN doesn’t report the murders? The murders was not for them, it was for us! Its for us to understand who we are! That our blood is not cheap! That we are being slaughtered by government politics and bureaucracy who wish to appease world opinion. To look good in the eyes of goyim. For what?

    The pictures are for the Israeli police who shoot plastic bullets and jewish settlers, beating them and injuring them, yet would not dare lift their figure towards and Arab would be attacker for fear or reprisal.
    The pictures are for the Chillonim, who have lost the meaning of religion and we what it means to be a jew. They, the chilonim are the real culprits behind the shooting! The Daily Haaretz newspaper, the most left, anti religious, anti Israel newspaper who causes the roadblocks and check points to be removed spilled their blood. The HighCourt which has more power then the government which is held by leftwing lawyers, who under “democracy” has ordered that the arabs cannot be statically more checked at the airport then jews?????? This is equality gone too far.

    Anti-Semitism today is alive and socially acceptable as long as its related to the Israeli occupation of “Palestine”.

    Again, it makes no difference at all, if the world reports on the murders or not. Whats in the kings palace stays in the kings palace. What needs to change is people who care that its not written. That’s the power being given to the goyim and they are using it to antagonize and provoke debate and conflict.

    The building also mean nothing. 500 units is a joke. Its only being built in larger towns, which would have been built anyway. They should have built 500 units in the town of itamar!
    The government policy is not to build in any place they plan to give back including places like Efrat.

  8. Outside of Israel NO one will care.
    But for the Israeli public, specifically the left-wing public, these pictures SHOULD BE publicized all over, with the caption…

    “YOUR family could be next if our government does not respond with EXTREME force.
    Email Netanyahu NOW and tell him to BULLDOZE the town these savages came from!!!

  9. nfgo3 – YonasonW….


    Never has this concept been more applicable!!!
    Flattening the town will prevent Jewish blood from being shed.
    THAT is ‘bestbubby’s concern, that is my concern, and that SHOULD BE your concern.

  10. 4 as well as the other bleeding heart socialist liberals,

    Yes, give them 30 minutes OR EVEN LESS and blow their town to smithereens!! When the town of Rafa comes out celebrating the gruesome murder of these k’doshim, even you should see they don’t give a hoot.

    World press won’t love us more for trying to make nice with these mamzayrim. The only thing yishmaelim understand is violence so let’s give it to them. They want to meet their getshka, we should help them!

  11. Of course YWN should not show the pix and for the Izzy govt to do so is just another major chillul HaShem!!!! We don’t get brownie points in Shomayim for causing chillul HaShem with Bizui HaMes. Ich hub moyra some people will have to beg for m’chila from the maysim.

  12. We know the government has those huge bulldozers and knows how to flatten towns – remember Gush Katif and Amona!?!

    Now is the time to use them for something that will save Jewish lives instead of destroying them.

    btw…mark levin – no one wants bizui ha’mes, but in this case the FAMILY wants the pictures published to arouse the public outcry so that hopefully the government will ACT and this tragedy will not be repeated.

  13. Why does Ain Ohd milvado need to issue klalos, especially in bold letters!!
    And if he’d really believe that Ain Od Milvado, he wouldnt be so concerned with the governments response.

  14. According to Mark Levin (#16)anyone who objects to “blowing their town to smithereens” is a “bleeding heart socialist liberal” Remarkable indeed.

  15. No. 21: Ask nos. 15 and 16. They seem to think everyone in that village deserves to die. Me – I don’t know, I’ve never met anyone from that village and know nothing about any of them, except for the terrorists who perpetrated the murders.

  16. midwesterner…

    How ridiculous to say that (Romem’I am issuing klalos.


    I DO believe absolutely that Ain Ohd Milvado,
    BUT that by no means precludes us doing our hishtadlus!

    Even in the times of Na”ch we went out and FOUGHT our enemies, (“Romemot E-l b’gronam, v’cherev pifiyot b’yadam”) we didn’t just sit around being somaich on nissim.

  17. nfgo3…

    I did not say to kill everyone in that village (though it MAY well be that they deserve it).
    What I AM saying is tell them they have an hour or two to pack what they can, and then the bulldozers come in to level the place.

    Jewish lives take a MUCH higher priority than yishmaeli possessions.

  18. I didn’t read through e/t but I saw the pix posted on another site and freaked out. I couldn’t sleep last night and had nightmares about it. They are stuck in my head, I can’t get them out! Thank You for NOT putting them up!!

  19. nfgo3:
    ask a rav?? you sound very concerned for the lives of monsters who would have no problem butchering us to death!! would you have the nerve to say that to the 12 year olg girl who is now an orphan from both parents and has to live with the traumatic images she saw of her parents and siblings when they were massacred?? Let them blow up the entire city!! none of those behemos are “innocent”!!!!!!!!!!!

  20. Yonosan disgusting. Comparing Jews to the Nazis and the Arabs to the Jews, there is no comparission whatsoever, despicable comments.

  21. Seriously who agrees with me that YWN should ban yonasan w? Its despicable every time he writes a comment I become more and more convinced that he’s from a family that had all the right hashkafos and rebelled majorly. He makes no sense he should get a life working for al jazeera or something

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