Bibi At Fogel Shiva: These Are Not People, These Are Monsters

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu visited the house of Ruth Fogel’s parents in Jerusalem on Sunday where the shiva for the five Fogel family members who were butchered in their beds is taking place. “They shoot and we build,” Netanyahu told Ruth’s parents.

“They say that the Land of Israel is built in agony but we never thought agony would be this great,” the prime minister said. “This wicked act has made everyone come out and say: No more. Security forces are doing everything to trace the murderers and we shall catch those criminals. These are not people but monsters.”

(YWN Israel Desk)

9 Responses

  1. mikehall12382: Hashem will give us vengeance, as it says “Hashem yinkom damam” that is one of the great differences between us and our enemies.

  2. The juxtaposition is still embarrassing. “They shoot and we build”. As if the building helps undo the shooting?

    One has nothing to do with the other, politics aside.
    What he should simply say is “As woefully inadequate as this may be, I am so deeply sorry that this happened despite our best efforts to protect you and your family and the rest of your fellow citizens.” Even ten million new apartments is not worth any Jewish blood.

  3. We should go in and start destroying 1 village of animals for every Jew those animals kill. That might actually teach them we mean business. Bibi, with all due respect do something don’t just talk like a politician. Enough!!!!

  4. May their souls have an aliya and may their loved ones be comforted

    During this time, lets try to strengthen ourselves in unity and prayer

  5. #6 – HaKatan – The point is that if we respond by building, the Arabs will see that terror is counterproductive, thereby saving lives.
    Hopefully what Bibi meant (and will act upon) is, “We now realize that our policies of appeasement had the opposite effect of encouraging more terror. Therefore, from here on, we will do what is best for us and build up our land.”

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