Minister Of Defense: The Attack Is Grave, Our Blood Is Boiling

Minister of Defense, Ehud Barak, participated in a conference at the IDF’s Kirya base on Saturday night with the Chief of General Staff, Lt. Gen. Benny Gantz, Head of the Israel Security Agency, Yuval Diskin and other officials of the Israel security forces and the Intelligence Corps.

At the conference, the Minister of Defense told the IDF and Israel security forces to act using every means necessary to quickly catch those responsible for the abonimable murder. The Minister of Defense called on Palestinian authorities to condemn the murder and turned to the heads of commmunities in the Judea and Samaria region to act responsibly.

“This attack is grave and our blood is boiling but I am positive that the perpetrators will be caught quickly,” said the Minister of Defense. “We must do everything in our power to bring back security and calm to the region. I trust and am positive the terrorists will be caught and punished harshly and security forces will glean every lesson possible from this event in order to avoid its being repeated.”

(YWN Israel Desk)

10 Responses

  1. Barak – capturing the two perpetrators will not solve the problem – as you well know, there are thousands more trying to do the same, and by the Grace of G-d via the IDF, are rarely successful. Building more and more all over Israel and expelling the families of the perpetrators will help, as the Arab terrorists realize they are hurting themselves.

  2. #1 do you know how much terrorism has gone down since Israel launched Operation Defensive Shield and built the security fence?

  3. #3 – Do you know how many attempts daily are stymied (often miraculously) by the IDF? For certain the fence helps, but it isn’t a total answer.
    In addition, politics related to the fence prevented it from being installed properly near Itamar, thereby making the terrorists work easier.

  4. yes, lets replace Barak with rabbiofberlin. oh, we cant, he lives in Berlin ( but he wants to tell them how to run Israel).

  5. #4 I agree with you 100%. I despise the israeli supreme court, and the savages are planning new attacks every day.

    FYI I agree with #1 in an ideal world, but we are not living in an ideal world, in 48 we had a perfect chance to kick out the israeli arabs and in 67 the palestinians arabs, it would have been far easier than now. Now it would be economic and politic suicide for Israel to expel them (plus cost many Jewish lives).

  6. 6. Who cares about political suicide? You think it makes a difference to the world out there? If you do, you are celebrating purim a week early.

  7. yswo – I’d rather be the South Africa of the world than extinct. The world protests our existence, and you’re worried how they think of us?
    You should come to visit us and see what Israel really is, you’ll find out things that the media doesn’t report on.

  8. You make it as if it is one of the other. It is not a black and white issue. I do agree most of the world hates Jews but there are exceptions; America (not this administration, but the people), Australia and Canada definitely are friendly to the Jews and Israel

    Come visit Israel? Ha! I have spent years of my life there, and have very close mishpacha there. I could probably walk around Yerushalayim blindfolded

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